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单词 心惊肉跳

心惊肉跳心惊肉颤xīn jīng ròu tiào

one’s heart jumps and one’s skin twitches-be filled with apprehension; be in a state of terror; be nervous and shivery; be very jumpy; have the jitters; quake with terror; tremble (/shudder) with fear; shiver in one’s boots (/shoes); with one’s heart going pit-a-pot
❍ 吉罔虽然再没穷追下去,我却一连几天~,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》349) Although Yoshioka did not go into the matter any further with me I was in a state of terror for several days.
❍ 王公大臣们被我闹得整天~,辫子都急成白的了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》136)They were in fear and trembling all day and their queues almost went white from worry.
❍ 却说张飞在帐中,神思昏乱,动止恍惚,乃问部将曰: “吾今心惊肉颤,坐卧不安,此何意也?”(《三国演义》693) Zhang Fei was greatly disturbed in his mind and restless. He told some of his subordinates that he was nervous and felt creepy and shivery and could not rest. What did it mean?/这种威势,使最镇定的韩老六也不免~。(周立波《暴风骤雨》176) He was overawed by this display of the people’s power.
❍ 一听到“离婚”二字,刘雨生~,也很悲伤,他想起了自己的不幸。(周立波《山乡巨变》177)When Liu Yusheng heard the word “divorce”,he was startled and apprehensive,and felt deeply pained as he thought of his own misfortune.
❍ 下面看的人提心吊胆,~,刀山上头的人还在笑哩! (吴强《红日》228) The people watching underneath are tense and trembling with their hearts in the mouths but the man at the top is laughing and smiling.
❍ 柳惠光这几天一直~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—557)Liu Huiguang had been very jumpy the last few days.
❍ 老汉听了女婿英雄的惊险事迹,~,老皱脸失了血色,无限感慨地说:“唉!唉!老一代的人不行啊!老一代的人不行啊!……”(柳青《创业史》331) The dangerous exploit of his future son-in-law had caused the old man to pale and his heart to pound.Deeply moved,he muttered: “Ai! Ai! The older generation can’t compare. The older generation can’t compare.”/老是念叨他,老人家在关东,会~的。(梁斌《红旗谱》38) If you keep worrying about him,wherever he is in the northeast he’ll feel a twinge.
❍ 今日回来,那蒲团再坐不稳,只觉~。(《红楼梦》1441)Coming back today I still feel on tenterhooks,unable to concentrate.
❍ 这白占魁在土改和复查土改的时候,那股疯狂劲儿,曾经吓得姚士杰~。(柳青《创业史》171)During land reform,and the subsequent recheck on the way it had been carried out,Bai’s insane zealousness had made Yao quake with terror.
❍ 尽管刘魁胜嘴帮子挺硬,可是,什么时候率领夜袭队外出都~;……(冯志《敌后武工队》282) Liu appeared cocksure enough,but his flesh crawled whenever he took his men out on a mission.
❍ 小小子听得~,装着没事儿似的说:“嗳呀,我的枪也没带回来,空着手儿也能去呀?”(袁静《新儿女英雄传》217) Xiao’s heart jumped and his skin twitched,but he pretended to be unconcerned.“Aiya,I forgot to bring my gun,” he said regretfully.“What use will I be empty-handed?”


palpitate with anxiety and fear;feel nervous and jumpy;be filled with apprehensional shake in one’s boots

心惊肉跳xīn jīnɡ ròu tiào

跳:颤动。形容担心祸患临头,内心极端恐惧不安。be filled with apprehension, shudder with fear, be jumpy





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