释义 |
心急如火心急如焚;心急火燎xīn jí rú huǒburn with impatience;one’s heart is afire (/torn)with impatience; one’s heart racks with anxiety;one’s mind is tense with a great sense of urgency ❍ ~的魏强,没有半点心思来观看这妖媚喜人的景色,他专心窥察着各个炮楼的行动。(冯志《敌后武工队》65) But the anxious Wei Qiang had no interest in the enchanting scene. He turned his eyes rather to the dozen or so forts all around. ❍ 一间小屋,剑波在审问杨子荣捉来的小炉匠,这屋里的气氛非常紧张,剑波要情况,要匪徒的巢穴,~。(曲波《林海雪原》77) In a small room lit by a dim lantern,Jianbo was questioning the Tinker Zirong had brought in. The atmosphere was tense.Jianbo was anxious for information; he wanted to know the locations of the bandit’s lairs. ❍ 他的全身滚热,~,汗珠雨点一般向下滴落,手里抓住的驳壳枪枪柄,象是浸在水里一样,又湿又滑。(吴强《红日》487)He was boiling hot all over,his mind was tense with a great sense of urgency,beads of sweat dripped down like raindrops and the butt of the machine-pistol he was clutching in his hand was as wet and slippery as if it had been steeped in water. ❍ 杨叶澎同志是独生子,自从被捕入狱后,老人心急如焚,…… (杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》94) Yang Yepeng was his only son. The old man had been very worried since his son’s arrest. |