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单词 心安理得

心安理得xīn ān lǐ dé

be quite at peace; feel at ease and justified; feel no qualms about; have an easy conscience; sleep the sleep of the just; without remorse (/regret);with mind at rest and conscience clear
❍ 这样,他才~了,赶快包好,就送到监狱去。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》97) Then,feeling much more at ease,he wrapped up the fritters again and carried the package to the prison.
❍ 我这几年跟随着李闯王打富济贫,剿兵救民,活着~,死后见得祖宗。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—192) well,these years I’ve been following Prince Valiant to fight the rich and relieve the poor,to beat the government troops and save the people.In life my heart is at peace,and after death I can face our ancestors.
❍ 拿到退彩票的钱的人们~的回到家里去吃晚饭。(高云览《小城春秋》53) People who had got their money back went home with peaceful hearts to enjoy their evening meal.


feel at ease and justified;have a good or easy conscience; have no qualms of conscience

心安理得xīn ān lǐ dé

得:适合。事情做得合理,心里感到很坦然。feel quite at ease, have an easy conscience, sleep the sleep of the just, at ease and justified





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