释义 |
心如古井xīn rú gǔ jǐngone’s heart is as tranquil as an old well—have a heart like stagnant water ❍ 全国受过教育的女子,无论已嫁未嫁,有夫无夫,个个~,脸若严霜,自然倒也怪好看的罢,……(鲁迅《坟·寡妇主义》220) When all educated Chinese women,whether married or single,widows or otherwise,have hearts like stagnant water and faces like frost,of course it looks most impressive;…/无力谈话,无力看书。连报纸也拿不动,又未曾炼到“~”,就只好想,而从此竟有时想到“死”了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—211) …with no energy to talk or read and not enough strength to hold a newspaper,Since my heart is not yet “as tranquil as an old well,”I am forced to think,and sometimes I think of death too. |