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单词 心如刀割

心如刀割心如刀绞xīn rú dāo gē

feel as if a knife were piercing one’s heart; bear crushing(/heart-wringing) sorrow; be cut (/stabbed) to the quick (/heart); be heart-broken;be torn with(/by) grief; be very upset; have one’s heart wrung with sorrow; heart-rending; heart-stricken; in great anguish
❍ 同志们站在监视孔内悲痛地望着他,一个个~。(杨沫 《青春之歌》394) Behind the bars his friends gazed after him in anguish,each feeling as if a knife were plunged into his own heart.
❍ 农技员和生宝他妈,一人捉着瞎子的一只胳膊,心中如同刀绞哩!他们想说话,而说不出话来。(柳青《创业史》491) Each holding one of his arms,Han and Shengbao’s mother didn’t know what to say. They were very upset.
❍ 而目前照顾我的正是被害者的亲人,这时候我的心有如刀割一般。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》512) …my heart is cut to shreds at the thought that it is those very relations who are now looking after me.

心如刀割xīn rú dāo ɡē

心痛之极,就好像被刀割了一样。feel as if a knife were piercing one’s heart, be heart-broken, in great anguish





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