释义 |
心到神知xīn dào shén zhīit is the thought thatcounts and not the ceremony; know by divineintuition what sb has just said ❍ 凤姐儿说: “大老爷原是好养静的,已修炼成了,也算得是神仙了。太太们这么一说,就叫做 ‘~’ 了。”《红楼梦》129)❶ ‘Yes’,saidXifeng.‘After all these years of spiritual self-improvement,Uncle must by now be practically anImmortal. And with Immortals,as we all know,“it’sthe thought that counts and not the ceremony”.’ ❷“The Elder Master is fond of retirement,” saidXifeng. “He’s lived so long as an ascetic,we canalready consider him as immortal. So he’ll know bydivine intuition what you’ve just said.” |