释义 |
心xīn❶ (心脏) the heart: 人 ~ human heart; 她激动得 ~ 怦怦跳。 Her heart was thumping with emotion. 我 ~ 痛。 My heart aches. ❷ (指思想的器官和思想、感情等) heart;mind; feeling; intention: 爱国 ~ patriotic feeling [mind]; patriotism; 伤人的 ~ wound [hurt] sb.'s feelings; 高傲的 ~ proud heart; 忠诚的 ~ loyal heart; 同情 ~ compassionate heart; 高尚的 ~ a noble heart; 恶毒的 ~ an evil heart; 冷酷无情的 ~ a cold and unfeeling heart; ~ 往一处想, 劲往一处使 think and work with one heart and one mind; 羞耻之 ~ sense of shame; 你的 ~ 是好的, 但是事情办得不好。 You meant well but you didn't handle the job well. 十个人, 十条 ~。 Many men, many minds. 他的好 ~ 却得到了恶报。 His good intentions had been repaid by evil results. 她的话温暖了他的 ~。 Her words warmed his heart. 他人在这儿, ~ 不在。 He himself is here, but his thoughts are elsewhere. 他总是把国家放在 ~ 上。 He always has the country in his heart. 眼不见, ~ 不想。 Out of sight, out of mind. ❸ (中心; 中央的部分) centre; core: 白菜 ~ the heart of Chinese cabbage; 地 ~ the earth's core; 核 ~ core; nucleus; 街 ~ the middle of a street; 手 ~ the hollow of the palm; 圆 ~ the centre of a circle; 湖 ~ 有一座亭子。 At the centre of the lake, there is a pavilion. ❹ (二十八宿之一) Xin, one of the lunar mansions ◆心爱 love; treasure; 心安即福 Peace of mind is a blessing.; 心安理得 feel at ease and justified; feel justified and contented; have no qualms of conscience; have an easy conscience; heart at rest and virtue in completion; have a quiet conscience; have that peace of mind which comes from having done sth. perfectly justifiable; one's conscience is void of offence; with mind at rest and conscience clear; with one's mind at ease; 心安神闲 One's heart is at rest and one's spirit at ease.; 心瓣膜 {解} cardiac valve; heart valve; 心包 {生理} pericardium; cardiac vesicle; heart-sac; 心包炎 {医} pericarditis; 心比天高 One's heart is loftier than the sky.; extremely lofty-minded; very ambitious; 心病 worry; anxiety; sore point; secret trouble; {医} heart disease; 心病还得心药治 The cure of a broken heart is heartening news.; 心搏 {生理} heart beat; heartstroke; 心搏动 heartbeat; herzstoss; 心不在焉 be absent-minded; absence of mind; absent-mindedness; be woolgathering; be out to lunch; in a brown study; inattentive; One's wits are woolgathering.; One's wits are gone woolgathering.; One's mind is not in it.; One's mind was occupied with other things.; One's heart was no longer in it.; preoccupied; preoccupied with one's thought elsewhere; with an abstracted air; with one's mind wandering; 心不由主 lose mental control; lose self-control; unable to control the mind; 心裁 idea; conception; mental plan; 心肠 heart; intention; state of mind; mood; 心潮 tidal surge of emotion; surging thoughts and emotions; 心潮滚翻 One's heart was in a turmoil [tumult].; One's mind confused and excited.; One's mind was racing.; thoughts churned in one's mind; Thoughts tumble through one's mind like tides.; 心潮澎湃 be full of excitement.; feel an upsurge of emotion; filled with (deep) emotion; full of emotion; mind being excited and fluttered; mind in a turmoil [whirl]; One's mind was in a tumult.; one's thoughts surged like the tide; One's mind was flooded with memories.; 心潮起伏 One's heart seemed to rise and fall like the waves.; One's hopes have risen and ebbed.; The tide in one's heart rises and falls.; a tidal surge of emotions; 心驰神往 feel excited; (let) one's thoughts fly to (a place or a person); have a deep longing for; 心冲动 {医} cardiac impulse; 心传 pass on personal teachings to pupils; a theory passed on from generation to generation; 心慈 softhearted; kind; kindheart ̄ ed; 心慈面软 kind heart and soft countenance; soft-hearted; 心慈手辣 have a hand of iron but a heart of gold; 心慈手软 be kind [softhearted] and have not enough courage to...; be kindhearted (towards sb.); be fainthearted and hesitant in action; faint of heart and hesitant in action; kindhearted and irresolute; softhearted; 心粗 careless; 心粗气浮 not sober and cool-headed; 心存芥蒂 nurse a grievance; bear someone a grudge; have a grudge against...; 心胆 heart and gallbladder; will and courage; 心胆俱裂 be frightened out of one's wits; be heart-broken and terror-stricken; The heart and gall are broken with fear.; lost in great astonishment; be so frightened that one's heart and galls burst; terror-struck; 心荡神驰 feel excited; go into ecstasies over ...; go into raptures over [about]...; distracted; 心得 what one has learned from work, study, etc.; 心得乐 pindolol; pindololum; 心得宁 practolol; practolum; 心得平 oxprenolol; oxprenoloum; 心得舒 alprenolol; 心底 heart; innermost being; 心地 a person's mind, character, moral nature, heart, etc.; 心地善良 good-natured; kindhearted; have one's heart in the right place; 心地狭窄 have a mean heart; be narrow-minded; have a heart that is very narrow; be not of a generous disposition; hidebound; 心电图 {医} electrocardiogram; 心动过缓 {医} bradycardia; bradyarrhythmia; 心动过速 {医} sychnosphygmia; polycardia; tachyrhythmia; tachycardia; syhcopexy; heart-hurry; 心动过速-过缓综合征 tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome; 心动悸 severe palpilation; 心动计数器 cardiotachometer; 心动脉搏图 cardiosphygmogram; 心动停止 cardiac arrest; 心动图 cardiogram; kinetocardiogram; 心动徐缓 {医} brady ̄ cardia; 心窦 cardiac sinus; 心都 a surname; 心毒 evil heart; wicked heart; 心毒口辣 be vicious with a sharp, quick tongue; 心毒手辣 vicious and ruthless; callous and cruel; black-hearted and cruel; 心烦 be vexed; go hot and cold; be perturbed; vexation; fuss; {医} dysphoria; 心烦技痒 itchy and restless; itch to exercise one's skill eagerly; 心烦意乱 be confused in mind; annoyed and perplexed; be perturbed; be terribly upset; confused and worried; feel worried; have a troubled heart and a perplexed mind; in an emotional turmoil; out of sorts; One's head is swimming.; One's mind is in a whirl.; upset; with troubled mind and distorted thoughts; 心房 atrium cordis; auricle; auricula; heart atrium; atrium; 心扉 way of thinking; 心肥大 hypercardia; hypercardiotrophia; cardiomegaly; 心肺 heart-lung; cardiopulmonary; 心风湿病 cardiac rheumatism; 心服 be genuinely convinced; acknowledge (one's defeat, mistake, etc.) sincerely; 心服口服 be sincerely convinced; admire from the heart; admit sb.'s superiority; assent cordially to; be utterly convinced; not mere professed obedience but submission with a good grace; 心浮 flighty and impatient; unstable; 心浮气燥 be unsettled and short-tempered; 心腐 centre rot; 心腹 trusted subordinate; henchman; reliable agent; bosom friend; confidential; {医}chest and abdomen; 心腹大患 be a mortal malady; 心腹朋友 a bosom [close; great; good; sworn] friend; a very intimate friend; one's second self; 心腹之患 a disease in our very vitals; a sting in one's heart; an evil that pressed hard upon one's heart; danger of betrayal [revolt] from those closest; disease in one's vital organs; enemy in one's ranks; serious hidden trouble or danger; trouble coming from the inner circle; 心腹之交 a very intimate friend; a bosom friend; 心甘情愿 be most willing to; be perfectly happy to; do sth. of one's free will; be willing to...; be totally willingly content oneself with...; be of one's free will; with all one's heart; with one's heart and soul; with good cheer; 心肝 conscience; darling; deary; heart and liver; 心肝宝贝 be all in all to (sb.) — the person [thing] that one loves most; a sweetheart; 心高气傲 proud and arrogant; aim too high and arrogant; 心高志大 have high ambitions; 心冠状沟 sulcus coronarius; 心广[旷]体胖 (be) of wide girth and ample heart; A person with a large heart tends to grow plump.; carefree and contented; fit and happy; cheerful mind and stalwart body; a liberal mind and a well-nourished body; be liberal in mind and stout of body; laugh and grow fat; Liberal mind brings health.; When the mind is enlarged, the body is at ease.; 心寒 [方] be bitterly disappointed; 心寒齿冷 chill the heart; cast a chill over one; be bitterly disappointed; 心寒毛竖 The heart shudders and the hair stands on end.; 心汗 perspiration over the precordial region; 心黑手辣 black-hearted and cruel; 心狠 cruel; merciless; 心狠手辣 be extremely cruel and merciless; be cruel to sb.; cruel and evil; cruel heart and malicious means; cold hearted; His methods are drastic.; wicked and merciless; 心红似火 One's heart is as red as fire.; with one's heart red as fire; 心花怒放 burst with joy; be beside oneself with joy; be highly delighted; be so pleased that one's heart sang; cheer [delight; gladden; warm; rejoice] the cockles of one's heart; greatly elated; His joy blossoms out into ecstasy.; in an extremely happy mood; One's heart bursts into bloom.; One's heart blooms with joy.; One's heart leaped with joy.; One's heart melted away in raptures.; be wild [mad] with joy; 心怀 harbour; entertain; cherish; intention; purpose; state of mind; mood; 心怀不善 cherish evil thoughts; 心怀不轨 cherish [harbour; have] evil designs; 心怀不满 nurse [complain of] a grievance; befilled with resentment; have a grievance against...; harbour feelings of dissatisfaction; harbour a quiet resentment; feel discontented; 心怀不平 have a grievance against...; feel aggrieved; 心怀仇恨 nurse hatred in one's heart; 心怀敌意 be hostile; have evil intentions [purpose] towards...; have designs on...; 心怀二意 harbour disloyal sentiments; have two faces; 心怀鬼胎 have sinister motives; conceive mischief; entertain fear from a sense of guilt; entertain dark schemes; fearful with a guilty conscience; have in mind designs that cannot bear the light of the day; have a secret fear; have ulterior motives; mean mischief; oppressed by the demons of a bad conscience; scheme evil; with evil [misgivings] in one's heart; with evil intent; 心怀叵测 have an evil intent towards...; cherish evil designs; conceal one's evil ambitions; entertain rebellious schemes; harbour sinister motives [intentions]; harbour evil intentions [malicious motives]; have designs on...; have insidious aims in mind; have a sinister motive in mind; have some dirty trick up one's sleeve; harbour the malevolent design (of...); One's designs are unfathomable.; plot hostile intrigues; maleficent; nurse evil intentions; with evil intent; 心坏死 cardionecrosis; 心慌be flustered; be nervous; get alarmed; [方] palpitate; 心慌意乱 lose presence of mind; all in [into] a fluster; be nervous and flustered; be puzzled; be perplexed [upset]; be confused and hysterical; be thrown into confusion; be alarmed and nervous [confused]; fall into a flutter; mentally confused; find it hard to concentrate; have a trouble heart; lose one's balance; lose one's mental poise; on the anxious seat; One's mind was in (a) tumult.; with a heavy heart; 心灰意懒 lose heart; be [feel] disheartened; discouraged and disinclined for any further effort; disheartened and weary of spirit; have lost all interest and become indifferent; One's heart sinks within him.; One's spirits sank.; very much discouraged; 心灰意冷 downhearted; dispirited; 心回意转 change [alter] one's mind; change one's views; a change of heart; come around [round]; repent; 心火 {中医} internal heat, symptoms of which include mental uneasiness, thirst, rapid pulse, ect.; heart fire; hidden anger; pent-up fury; 心火亢盛 {中医} heart-fire hyperactivity; 心机 thinking; scheming; 心肌 cardiac muscle; musculus cardiacus; myocardium; 心肌炎 carditis; myocarditis; 心迹 the true state of one's mind; true motives or feelings; 心急 impatient; short-tempered; 心急火燎 burning with impatience; be very impatient as if being set on fire; in a nervous state; 心急口快 outspoken; impatient and outspoken; 心急如焚 One's heart is torn with anxiety.; be burning with anxiety [impatience]; nervous with worry; 心急如火 be afire with impatience; burn with impatience; his heart burns with anxiety; he is in hot haste to do sth.; be very impatient as if being set on fire; The heart burns like fire.; with a confused and worried mind; 心急水不开[沸] A watched pot is long in boiling.; A watched pot never boils.; 心急腿慢 The more impatient, the slower the movement.; 心悸 cardiopalmus; {医} palpitate; palpitation; 心计 calculation; scheming; planning; 心计毒辣 One's clever schemes are poisonous and cruel.; 心记不如笔记 A written record is better than trusting memory.; 心坚如石 One's heart is firm as a rock.; One's heart is as constant as stones.; 心坚石穿 When one's heart is single-minded even rocks are riven.; All difficulties can be surrounded when one is determined.; An iron will wears through a rock.; Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.; Where there's a will; there's a way.; With resolute will, even stone can be penetrated.; 心尖 the tip of the heart; apex; apex cordis; heart; innermost being; [方] dear; 心焦 anxious; worried; 心骄气傲 be arrogant at heart and haughty in manner; 心绞痛 {医} angina pectoris; stenocardia; breast-pang; coronarism; heartstroke; 心节律不匀 anisorhythmia; 心劲(儿) thought; idea; analytic ability; 心惊胆裂[碎] be so frightened that one's galls burst; utterly demoralized with fear; 心惊胆怕 be filled with apprehension; feel alarmed; be in a state of anxiety; 心惊胆战 heart startling and gallbladder trembling — be deeply [greatly] alarmed; be panic-stricken; be in great trepidation; be all of a jump; make one's blood curdle; shake with fright; shudder with terror; strike terror into the heart of; tremble [quake] with fear [fright; terror]; 心惊肉颤 be nervous and feel creepy and shivery; cannot repress a shudder; feel nervous and shudder from time to time; be filled with anxiety and fear; lose one's nerve; make the flesh creep; be mortally afraid; palpitate with anxiety and fear; shiver in one's boots [shoes]; shudder with fear; 心惊肉跳 shudder with fear; be jumpy; be terribly frightened; be filled with apprehension; feel nervous and creepy; have a moment of panic; heart beating and flesh shaking — terrified; heebie-jeebies; have the jitters; make one's flesh creep; nerve-racking; palpitate with anxiety and fear; shake in one's boots; tremble with fear; 心静 calm; 心静脉 cardiac vein; 心境 state [frame] of mind; mental state; mood; 心净 cleared of worries; at ease; 心坎 the bottom of one's heart; 心可定 prenylamine; 心口 precordium; the pit of the stomach; 心口不一 speak one way and think another; speak contrary to one's thought; say what one doesn't think; 心口如一 speak one's mind; be faithful to one's words; be frank and unreserved; carry one's heart upon one's sleeve; He means what he says and says what he means.; say what one thinks; speak from the heart; What one says is indeed what one thinks.; 心口痛 epigastric pain; stomachache; 心宽 not lend oneself to worry and anxiety; 心旷神怡 feel fresh; be free of mind and happy of heart; completely relaxed and happy [joyful]; carefree and joyous [happy]; have one's mind at ease; have a sense of well-being and delightfulness; in a cheerful frame of mind; pleasant; refresh and gladden one's heart; refreshed in spirit; 心亏理怯 have a guilty conscience and an unjust cause; 心劳 {医} impairment of the heart caused by overstrain; 心劳力拙 feel tired in mind and exhausted in strength; 心劳日拙 at wit's end; get nothing for all one's pains; go on a wild-goose chase; feel tired in mind and exhausted in strength; be of no avail; fare worse and worse for all one's scheming; 心理 psychology; mentality; mind; psychic; psycho-; 心理保健 mental health; 心理变态 psychopathology; 心理素质 psychological diathesis; 心理卫生 mental hygiene; mental health; 心理学 psychology; [俗] psychics [古] pneumatology; 心理战 psychological warfare; psywar; 心理障碍 mental disorder; 心力 mental and physical efforts; 心力交瘁 be mentally and physically exhausted; be utterly fatigued both mentally and physically; be utterly fatigued, mind and body; Both the mind and strength were worn out.; 心里 in the heart; at heart; in (the) mind; 心里暗笑 laugh in one's sleeve; 心里悲痛 be sore at heart; 心里别扭 feel all wrong; 心里不安 not feel at ease; 心里沉重 weigh heavily on one's heart; 心里打鼓 have butterflies in the stomach; feel diffident; 心里发毛 feel nervous; feel scared; be panic-stricken; 心里发闷 feel constriction in the area of the heart; 心里烦闷 be sick at heart; 心里害怕 be afraid at heart; 心里话 one's innermost thoughts and feelings; 心理明白 be clear in one's mind; 心里难过 One's heart is filled with pain.; 心里盘算 turn things over in one's mind; 心里踏实 feel at ease; 心里一怔 One's heart missed a beat.; 心里有鬼 have an ulterior object in view; be up to some trick; harbour intentions that can't bear daylight; have a bad [guilty] conscience; have a bellyful of tricks; have [with] ulterior motives [designs]; 心里有数 know very well in one's heart; 心里郁闷 feel low [depressed; blue]; 心里越怕鬼越来 The more afraid you are, the more likely the devil is to come.; 心里扎根 strike roots in one's heart; take root in one's self; take deep roots in the heart of (sb.); 心连(着)心 heart linked to heart; be of one mind with; One's heart beats with the heart of sb.; (Our) hearts are closely linked together.; “心连心”艺术团 “hearts closing linked” art ensemble; 心凉半截 be stricken to the heart; 心灵 clever; intelligent; quick-witted; heart; soul; spirit; spiritual; {心理} psyche; 心灵美 beautification of mind; 心灵手巧 have clever hands and good sense; quick-witted and nimble-fingered; clever [smart] and deft; clever in mind and skillful in hand; clever in mind and quick of action; a lively mind and a quick hand; have a keen mind and dextrous hands; skilful with one's hands; The mind is clever as the hands are nimble.; 心领 [套] understanding; 心领神会 appreciate sb.'s thought; be content with a secret understanding; listen with close attention; mental conception; readily to take a hint; take sb.'s meaning; The heart receives and spirit knows it.; understand tacitly; understand and grasp the meaning of the matter; understand without so many words; 心路 wit; scheme; tolerance; mindedness; intention; design; 心律 {医} rhythm of the heart; 心率 heart rate; 心乱如麻 the mind very confused; be utterly upset; be perplexed in mind; be utterly confused and disconcerted; be terribly upset; be very much upset and confused; have one's mind as confused as a tangled skein; mind confused like entangled hemp; One's heart was in a turmoil.; The mind is in a tangle.; 心脉痹阻 heart vessel blockage stasis; 心满意足 to one's heart's content; be fully satisfied and content; be perfectly content [satisfied]; be content with ...; feel very pleased with...; have one's wishes gratified; have complete satisfaction; rest satisfied [content]; self-satisfied; 心明如镜 One's mind is as clear as a mirror.; 心明眼亮 see and think clearly;be sharp-eyed and clearheaded; be able to see everything clearly and correctly; be clear-minded and clear-sighted; can see things clearly; One with a clear mind sees clearly.; with bright eyes and light of heart; with clear minds and sharp eyesight; 心慕手追 imitate laboriously; admire greatly and do one's utmost to imitate the skill; What one's heart admires the hands follow.; 心目 mind; inward eye; mental view; mind's eye; 心内 {医} intracardiac; endocardial; 心内膜 endocardium; 心袢 heart loop; 心怦怦[坪坪]跳 One's heart went pit-a-pat.; One's heart was bounding wildly.; One's heart thumped wildly.; 心皮 carpel; carp; 心脾两虚 {中医} insufficiency of heart and spleen; heart-spleen deficiency; 心平气和 be in a calm mood; become gentle with...; calm of spirit and even of temper; cool it; cordial and gratified feelings; even-tempered and good-humored; in a calm state of mind; in a goodhumoured and tranquil state of mind; in one's sober senses; One's heart felt lighter.; pleasant and composed; peace of mind; quiet in mind and of a peaceful disposition; say with equanimity; 心平气静 ataraxia; 心魄 spirit; soul; heart; 心起疑团 arouse one's suspicion; 心气 motive; intention; frame of mind; state of mind; ambition; aspiration; {医} the heart-qi; 心气和平 ataraxy; ataraxia; 心气虚 {中医} heart qi deficiency; insufficiency of the heart-qi; 心虔意诚 with pious wishes; 心腔 chambers of the heart; 心巧玲珑 very bright-minded; 心窍 capacity for clear thinking; 心切开术 {医} cardiotomy; 心切 eager; anxious; 心怯难言 be timid and difficult in speaking; 心情 mood; feeling tone; frame [state] of mind; 心情变易 poikilothymia; 心情不佳 feel out of one's plate; in low spirits; in bad mood; 心情沉重 One's mind was weighed down (with anxiety).; with a heavy heart; 心情欢畅 be filled with joy; in high spirits; 心情豁达 liberal in affection; in an open-minded frame of mind; 心情舒畅enjoy ease of mind; be free from anxiety; be happy as the day is long; be of good cheer; be in a happy mood; have ease of mind; have boundless ease of mind; with ease of mind; 心情愉快 in a cheerful frame [state] of mind; in good [happy] mood; have a light heart; 心曲 heart; innermost being; mind; sth. weighing on one's mind; 心去人难留 When one's heart is gone, it is difficult to keep his body.; It's hard to insist on someone remaining if his mind is already away.; 心如冰炭 be heartless and cold as ice; 心如潮涌 One's thoughts surged like the tide.; 心如刀刺 feel as if a knife were piercing one's heart; feel as if one's heart were pierced by daggers; feel as though a knife were sticking into one's heart; 心如刀割 feel as if a knife were piercing one's heart; be touched to the quick; be torn with grief; feel as though a knife has been plunged into one's heart; like a dagger had cut deep into one's heart; One's heart feels as if transfixed with a dagger.; One's heart felt as if it had been stabbed.; One's heart contracted in pain as if stabbed by a knife.; One feels as though one's heart were cut in many pieces.; 心如刀割, 泪如雨下 One's heart breaks and one's tears cascade.; 心如刀绞 feel as if a knife were being twisted in [inside] one's heart; 心如刀扎 One's heart seems pierced with a knife.; 心如滚潮 like tossing waves in one's heart; One's mind is in a tumult.; 心如火焚[烧] One's heart is afire.; burning with impatience; The heart burns like fire.; torn by anxiety for; 心如金石坚 The heart is as constant as metals and stones are durable.; 心如枯[古]井 One's heart is as tranquil as an old well.; call forth no response in sb.'s breast; 心如累块 weighed down by anxious cares; 心如蛇蝎 have the heart of a devil; One's heart is as poisonous as any viper or scorpion.; 心如石沉 One's heart sank like a stone.; 心如死灰 One's heart is like dead ashes — utterly dissipated.; 心如铁石 keep one's heart as hard as the nether millstone; have a heart of stone; one's heart against pity; One's heart is like iron or stone.; with a steelcold heart; 心如悬旌 One's heart flutters like a pennant in the wind.; 心如针扎 feel as if needles were pricking one's heart; feel greatly distressed as though one's heart pricks; 心如止水 One's mind settled as still water.; 心软 be softhearted; be tenderhearted; 心软而哭 melt into tears; 心丧气沮 The heart mourns and spirit spoils.; 心善面冷 (He) had a heart of gold although (he) seldom smiled.; 心上 at heart;in the heart; 心上人 sweetheart; lover; 心身 psychosoma; psychosome; 心身问题 mind-body problem; 心神 mind; state of mind; 心神不定[宁] be anxious and preoccupied; agitated; be on tenterhooks; be distracted; be all in a twitter; feel ill at ease; feel restless; fidgety; have no peace of mind; in a state of discomposure; out of sorts; miles away; wandering in thought; 心神不安 not to feel easy in one's mind; have [suffer from] the fidgets; be ill at ease; be disconcerted; be confused and worried; 心神不羁 difficult to concentrate one's mind on sth.; with one's mind running wild; 心神颠倒 be utterly confused; go off into raptures [ecstasies]; 心神恍惚 be ill at ease and full of dread; perturbed in mind; spellbound; 心肾不交 {中医} breakdown of the normal physiological coordination between the heart and the kidney; imbalance between heart-yang and kidney-yin; heart-kidney imbalance; 心肾相交 {中医} coordination between the heart and kidney; 心肾阳虚 {中医} heart-kidney yang deficiency; 心声 heartfelt wishes; aspirations; thinking; 心生一计 hit upon an idea; A scheme came to one's mind.; A good idea occurs [comes] to someone.; think to try a ruse; 心盛 in high spirit; enthusiastic; 心室 {生理} ventricle; heart chamber; heart ventricle; ventriculus cordis; 心事 sth. weighing on one's mind; a load on one's mind; worry; 心事重重 be preoccupied by some troubles; be cumbered with care; be laden with anxiety; be weighed down with care; care-laden; gloomy with worry; There are too many problems on (one's) mind.; (weight of the) world on one's shoulders; world on one's back; with a heavy heart; 心收缩 heart contraction; 心手相应 His hands respond with delicacy to whatever the mind directs.; be at one's finger's end; be perfectly skilled; mind and hand in accord; (descriptive of) skill and ease in using the hands; What the mind wishes the hands are able to do.; 心术 intention; design; 心术不正 harbor evil intentions [designs]; lack of sincerity; One's intention is not right.; 心数 calculation; scheming; planning; 心思 thought; idea; 心酸 be grieved; feel sad; 心算 mental arithmetic; doing sums in one's head; 心碎 broken heart; heart-broken; 心态 mentality; psychology; 心疼 love dearly; feel sorry; make one's heart ache; 心田 heart; intention; 心恬气和 a pleasant peaceful frame of mind; 心跳 {生理} heartbeat; cardiopalmus; palpitation; pant; 心痛 cardialgia; cardiodynia; cardiac [epigastric] pain; 心痛彻背 chest pain radiating to the back; 心痛如绞 have an excruciating pain in the chest; 心痛欲碎 One's heart is breaking and aches so badly with sorrow.; 心投意合 of the same opinion; hit it off perfectly; 心头 mind; heart; notion; idea; 心头火起 One's mind was inflamed with passion.; One's heart burns.; 心头石落 as if a heavy stone had been removed from the pit of one's stomach; 心头小鹿 One's heart beats wildly [madly].; One's heart went pit-a-pat.; with a throbbing heart; 心为形役 The heart is being put to toil by the body.; 心萎缩 acardiotrophia; 心窝 precordium; praecordia; cardia; 心窝儿 [口] the pit of the stomach; anticardiac; 心无二用 One cannot keep one's mind on two things at the same time.; One should concentrate on one's work.; One's mind could not work on two things together.; The mind cannot be devoted to two things at one time.; 心息相依 {气功} coordination of mental activities and breathing; 心细 careful; scrupulous; 心弦 heartstrings; 心像平原走马, 易放难收 The mind is like a horse on a plain, easy to let go but difficult to stop.; 心向 mind-set; 心向北京 with one's heart turned to Beijing; 心向往之 yearning for sb. or sth; 心邪形秽 When the mind is filthy, the appearance will not be any better.; 心心念念 keep thinking about [of] ...; constantly thinking of...; anxiously longing for...; 心心相连 (Our) hearts are linked together.; 心心相印 have mutual affinity; be closely attached to each other; both of the same mind; Hearts and feelings find a perfect response.; Hearts are linked together.; in perfect harmony with...; mutual understanding and attraction; mutually attached to each other; Mind acts upon mind.; share the same feeling; see eye to eye with each other; the communion of heart with heart; Their hearts are like one.; Their love is reciprocal.; 心性 disposition; temperament; 心胸 breadth of mind; ambition; aspiration; 心胸豁达 with a great heart; broadminded; 心胸开阔 broad-minded; unprejudiced; 心胸狭窄 One's heart is contracted.; narrow-minded; small-minded; intolerant; 心秀 intelligent without seeming so; 心虚 afraid of being found out; with a guilty conscience; lacking in self-confidence; diffident; {医} deficiency syndromes of the heart; 心虚胆怯 have a guilty conscience; apprehensive and cowardly; {医} timidity due to insufficiency of qi and deficiency of blood of the heart; 心绪 state of mind; breast; mind; 心绪不宁 One's state of mind is not at ease.; be off one's balance; have a feeling of vexation; in a disturbed state of mind; in a flutter; in a state of agitation; 心绪沸腾 One's heart is in a tumult [turmoil]; 心绪缭乱 in a confused state of mind; lose one's balance; 心悬两地 have worries at two places at the same time; 心学 the philosophy of the mind; 心血 painstaking care; painstaking effort; {中医} the heart blood; 心血管(的) cardiovascular; 心血管系统 cardiovascular system; 心血来潮 take it into one's head; (have) a sudden inspiration; A sudden thought hit one.; be seized with a sudden impulse; be prompted by a sudden impulse; be seized by a whim; suddenly to think of a thing; 心眼儿 heart; mind; intention; intelligence; cleverness; unfounded doubts; unnecessary misgivings; 心眼儿多 too much attention to details [trifles]; full of unnecessary misgivings; oversensitive; 心眼儿好 be generous and kindhearted; good-natured; kindhearted; generous; 心眼活泛 have a supple mind; be quick-witted; 心痒难搔 itch in the heart but unable to scratch it; It is impossible to scratch an itching heart.; 心药 psychological treatment; 心叶 {生} lobus cardiacus; 心仪 [书] admire in the heart; 心仪其人 admire [respect] that person; 心意 regard; kindly feelings; intention; purpose; 心音 {生理} heart sounds; cardiac sounds; cardiechema; 心硬 hardhearted; stonyhearted; callous; unfeeling; 心犹未甘 be somewhat dissatisfied; 心有灵犀一点[线]通 Hearts which have a common beat are linked.; have consonance to sb.; exchange glances in communion; Lover's hearts are closelylinked.; One's mind is very quick to apprehand every point.; take wordless counsel; 心有旁骛 have sth. else to go after; preoccupied (with sb. else); 心有余而力不足 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.; willing but unable; more than willing but lacking the power to; unable to do what one wants very much to do; One's ability falls short of one's wishes.; 心有余悸 have a lingering fear; be still in a state of shock; experience a carry-over of fear; have not yet got over the scare; shudder at the thought of...; one's heart still flutter ̄ing [throbbing] with fear; There is still a certain trepidation.; with unforgotten trepidation; shuddering in retrospect; shudder at the thought of...; 心余力拙 One's eyes are bigger than one's stomach.; Though he still cherishes high aspirations, his strength falls short of his wishes.; more than willing but lacking the power to ...; bite off more than one can chew; 心猿意马 a heart like a capering monkey and a mind like a galloping horse — restless; be prone to outside attractions; fanciful and fickle; harbor monkey-feelings and horse-thoughts; in a restless and jumpy mood; One's heart is agile as an ape and one's thoughts swift as a horse.; one who can't settle down to his job; perturbed; the heart of an ape and the mind of a horse; with one's mind running wild; When one meant gibbon, he thinks of a horse — wavering in purpose.; restless and whimsical; unsettled [fickle] in mind; 心愿 cherished desire; aspiration; wish; one's hearts desire; 心愿力违 The spirit is willing, but the flesh weak.; 心悦诚服 feel a heartfelt admiration; be completely convinced; be gladly convinced; admire from the heart; be sincerely convinced that the other party is in the right; have real faith in sb.; have sincere belief in...; have faith in sb. and trust him with one's whole heart; submit willingly [with good grace; with joy in mind]; 心杂音 heart murmur; 心脏 heart; cardiac; 心脏病 heart disease; heart trouble; cardiac disease; cardiopathy; 心窄 narrow-minded; 心照 understand without being told; have an understanding; 心照不宣 Both understand from their hearts what the matter is but do not choose to say so in public.; have a tacit (mutual) understanding; no need to express oneself in so many words; no need to say how grateful (I am); not necessary to say more; think it is not necessary to say more; thoroughly to understand each other, without having exchanged a word of explanation; take wordless counsel; 心正不怕邪 If the heart is upright; there need not be any apprehension of depravity.; 心之官则思 The office [function] of the mind is to think.; 心之所之 where the mind longs to be; 心直口快 wear one's heart on one's sleeve; frank by nature with a ready tongue; One has a quick tongue and never bothers to hide what one thinks.; plain-spoken and straightforward; speak one's mind freely; be frank and outspoken; saying what one thinks without much deliberation; straightforward [forthright] and outspoken; 心志 will; 心智 noema; 心中 in the heart; at heart; in (the) mind; 心中暗喜 rejoice in one's heart; be secretly pleased; The heart of sb. leapt with joy.; 心中懊恼 {医} annoyance; 心中不服 a lack of hearty support; be mutinous in one's heart; 心中狐疑 with one's stomach heaving with torturing doubts; 心中怀怒 nourish anger in one's heart; 心中纳闷 be grieved and disappointed; 心中丘壑 be obstinate [wedded] to one's own ideas; 心中无数 (work) without clear aims; not know for certain; unknow what's what; 心中抑郁 One's mind is depressed.; 心中有鬼 have ulterior motives; have a bellyful of tricks; have sth. to hide; 心中有愧 have a guilty conscience; 心中有数 know the score; have a head for figures; have a clear idea about... ; have a grasp of a situation and know what to do; have a pretty good idea of...; know fairly well; know what's what; know one's own mind; know what others are thinking about; know ins and outs of; get [have] sb.'s number; 心中紫菀 blue wood aster; 心主汗 {医} The heart controls perspiration.; 心主神明 {医} The heart controls [governs] mental activities.; 心拙口夯 not good at talking; tongue-tied; 心浊音 cardiac dullness; 心子(籽) kernel; 心子 (of things) centre; heart; core; 心醉 be charmed; be enchanted; be fascinated; 心醉神迷 be in ecstasies over...; be in [go into] ecstasies; be thrown into ecstacies; in an ecstasy of delight 心heart 心❶heart (心脏) ❷heart;mind;feeling;moral character;intention ❸centre;core 因为战争是在人的~中开始的,所以,保护和平必须建于人的~中。Since wars begin in the minds of men,it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed./世界和谐,人人有责;和谐世界,从~开始。Everyone is responsible for the world harmony; and a harmonious world begins in the mind./别往~里想don’t take it to heart /将~比~ put oneself in another’s place or shoes/爱~love for others/恻隐之~ compassion/好~ have a good intention;mean well/同情~ sympathy/人在~不在be absent-minded;one’s thoughts are elsewhere despite his physical present/江~ middle of a river/圆~ center of a circle/重~ center of gravity /轴~axis;axle center/~不死be unreconciled to defeat;with one’s mind still on sth/~肥大cardiomegaly/~好be kindhearted; kind;have a good heart/~往一处想,劲往一处使think with one mind and work with one heart |