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单词 bargain
释义 bargain /'bo: gm; 'bargin/ n 1 agreement to buy, sell or exchange sth, made after discussion; (in industry) agreement between management and labour over wages, hours, etc; sth obtained as the result of such an agreement. (U过谈判以后所作买资或交换之) 协议; (在工业中,劳资双方有关工资、工时等的) 协议; 由此项协议所得之事物。厶 ~ 's a ~, When an agreement has been made, it must be kept. 既经达成协议,就必得遵守。 drive a hard ~, try to force an agreement favourable to oneself. 试图使对方同意有利自己的协议。 a good/bad ~, one that favours/does not favour oneself. 占便宜的 (吃龉的) 交易。 into the ~, as well; in addition; moreover. 另外; 此外; 加之。 make/strike a ~ (with sb) (over sth), reach agreement. (与某人) (有关某事) 达成协议。 '~ing position, (in a debase, etc) state of affairs, arrangements, etc; (讨论等中之) 事态、安排等的情况; 协商境况: The Foreign Secretary was in a good/bad ~ing position in his dealings with his opposite number in France, was in a favourable/unfavourable position when negotiating. 在与法国方面地位相当的官员 (指法国外交部长) 谈判中,英国外相处于有利 (不利) 的协商地位。 2 sth offered, sold or bought cheap: 索价便宜、卖得便宜或买得便宜的货物: a '~ sale, sale of goods at reduced prices; 大减价; ' ~-basement, lowest floor of a shop, where goods are offered at reduced prices; 地卞室廉价部; ' ~- counter, counter at which ~s are displayed or sold; 犠牲品柜台 (展示并出售廉价品的柜台); 廉价部; ~ price, low price; 廉价; 特价; ' ~-hunter, person looking for ~s. 寻找便宜货的人。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (with sb) (for sth), talk for the purpose of reaching an agreement (about buying or selling sth, doing a piece of work, etc): (与某人) (为某事物) 讨价还价; 讲价; 谈条件; 谈判: We ~ed with the farmer for a supply of milk and butter. 我们与那农夫讲价,欲购买一批牛, 妨和白塔油。 2 [VP3A] ~ about,= ~ over. ~ for, be ready or willing to accept or agree to: 愿意接受或同意; 预料; 期待: I didn't for John arriving so soon, was surprised by this, didn,t expect it. 我没有想到约论会这么快到达。 get more than one ~ for, (colloq) be unpleasantly surprised at the consequences. (G) 结果出乎预料之外 (不愉快地感到惊奇) 。 ~ over sth, ~ with sb for sth. 与人协议某事。 3 [VP9] make a condition: 提出条件: The men ~ed that they should not have to work on Saturday afternoons. 工人们提出条件谓他们不应于星期六下午还要工作。 4 [VP15B] ~ away, give up in return for sth; sacrifice: 放弃…以求获得另外的某物; 牺牲; 贱卖: ~ away one's freedom, give it up in return for some advantage or other. 牺牲其自由 (以求获得某种利益) 。




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