释义 |
循循善诱xún xún shàn yòube good at giving systematic guidance; lead sb gradually into good practice; teach with skill and patience ❍ 我对庄士敦师傅的~不能完全记住. ……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》126) I forgot much of Johnston’s careful instruction…/于是周恩来同志~地指出:西安事变抓住蒋介石,不同于十月革命逮捕克伦斯基,也不同于滑铁卢擒住拿破仑,……(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—41) Then he began to lead them gradually towards more effective action and pointed out that the arrest of Chiang Kai shek was different from either the arrest of Kerensky in the October Revolution or the capture of Napoleon at Waterloo. ❍ 会后,总理还亲自找持不同意见的专家,~耐心地征求他们对设计的意见。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—334) After the meetings,he often sought out the experts who had held different views,offered them helpful advice and patiently asked for their opinions on the plan. ❍ 夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼。(《论语·子罕》)The Master,by orderly method,skillfully leads men on. He enlarged my mind with learning,and taught me the restraints of propriety. ❍ 停了一阵,他稳实而缓慢地踱了几步,象~的老师似的,……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》100) Pausing,the general slowly paced the floor a few steps and then,like a patient,methodical old teacher,… 循循善诱lead one gradually into good practices;be good at giving systematic guidance;teach with skill and patience;be methodical in imparting knowledge 循循善诱xún xún shàn yòu循循:有次序的样子;诱:引导。多指善于有步骤的引导、教育。teach with skill and practice, be good at giving systematic guidance |