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单词 循序渐进

循序渐进xún xù jiàn jìn

advance by gradations(/stages); follow in order and advance step bystep; make steady progress; proceed in an orderly way and step by step
❍ 她通常是从一个角度写,而不是从几个角度写;还只是~地写,而不是错综交叉地写。(茅盾《怎样评价 〈青春之歌〉?》) Usually she wrote from one angle,not several angles; she only wrote by following an orderly sequence,not by intricate plots.


advance step by step;make gradual progress;proceed in an orderly and gradually way
机制的建设应是~的过程。The establishment of the mechanism should be a gradual process./在~中不断突破pursue an incremental approach that yields steady progress/~,协商一致seek gradual progress and build consensus/~的教学方法progressive teaching method/~原则 principle of gradualism

循序渐进xún xù jiàn jìn

循:沿着,按照。按照次序逐步向前。follow in order and advance step by step, make steady progress, learn to run before you leap





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