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单词 得鱼忘筌

得鱼忘筌dé yú wàng quán

after catching fish,the trap is forgotten; forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught; forget the means by which the end is attained; forget the things (/conditions) which bring one success; kick down the ladder
❍ 你这样~,总有一天要摔跟头的。The way you do things is like kicking off the ladder below you. You will come a cropper one of these days.

得鱼忘筌dé yú wànɡ quán

荃:捕鱼用的竹器。指捕得了鱼就忘记了荃。比喻达到目的或成功后就背恩忘本。forget the means by which the end is attained, kick down the ladder, forget the things which bring his (her) success





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