释义 |
得过且过dé guò qiě guòdilly-dally;get by however one can; give a lick and a promise; drag(— muddle — drift) along ; let things drift;shiftless ❍ 而宁愿放任各种缺点、错误在党内存在,采取“~”,“多一事不如少一事”,敷衍了事的态度,然而却又在背地里去议论人家,……(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》67) They would rather leave the shortcomings and mistakes alone,taking the attitude of “getting by”and “the less trouble the better”,but at the same time they talk about comrades behind their backs. ❍ 你的意思“~”; 既这么样,我也不好意思告诉人。(《红楼梦》955) You expect us to get you off,don’t you?Well,if you’re truly rependant,I haven’t the heart to report this. ❍ 老兄!“一寸光阴一寸金”啦。象这样~,有什么出息? (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—114) Listen,old fellow! “Time is gold!” What future will a man ever have if he keeps dragging along like this?/他们~,而不愿和这些东西作斗争。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》63) They just muddle along and are unwilling to fight these evils. 得过且过dé ɡuò qiě ɡuò且:姑且、暂且;得:能够。比喻只顾眼前,不顾长远,过一天算一天。现也指工作马马虎虎,敷衍了事。drift along, let things drift, get by however one can, get by, dilly-dally, shiftless |