释义 |
得意门生dé yì mén shēnga favourite (/keen)disciple; a most promising apprentice ❍ 北方有一位学者颜渊,是孔仲尼的~。(郭沫若《屈原》9) There is a scholar in the North called Yan Yuan,a favourite disciple of Confucius. ❍ 冯登龙是一个国家主义派的~,江涛是共产主义者,他们互相都了解。(梁斌《红旗谱》341)Feng Denglong was a keen disciple of the nationalists while Jiangtao was a Communist. Neither made any secret of his views. ❍ 他提起来半月前牺牲那一位~,心中猛一酸,下边的话就和着热泪咽下去了。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—213) At mention of his most promising apprentice who had fallen a fortnight ago,his heart ached and he broke off to fight back his tears. 得意门生teacher's pet 得意门生dé yì mén shēnɡ指老师最欣赏的学生。a keen disciple, one’s favorite student, a most promising apprentice, a favourite of one’s teacher, favourite pupil |