释义 |
得意洋洋洋洋得意;得意扬扬;扬扬得意dé yì yáng yángas pleased (/proud) as punch; be filled with elation; be flushed with joy; be highly(/exceedingly) elated with (/for/by); be (/feel) highly (/very) pleased with oneself; be inflated with pride; be immensely proud; be puffed up; be on the high ropes; burst with pride; carry oneself proudly;cock a-hoop; crow over; exultantly; feel oneself highly flattered;flauntingly; gleefully; gloat over;have one’s nose (/tail)in the air; high-blown;in a self-satisfied manner ; in high (/fine/full)feather; jauntily; lift up one’s head (/horn); look triumphant; ostentatious; perk oneself up; pride oneself on; revel;ride high; tread on air;tri umphantly; walk on (/upon) air; with smug satisfaction ❍ 周郁边说边做手势,将他在散步时候怎样偷鸡的情形,得意扬扬地吹牛皮。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—47) Then,highly pleased with himself,with much ado Zhou Yu continued to brag of how he stole the chicken while taking a walk in the country. ❍ 将近郊外,太阳已经高升,走路的也多起来了,虽然大抵昂着头,~的,但一看见他们,却还是照例的让路。(鲁迅《故事新编》57) The sun was high by the time they reached the suburbs,and the streets became more frequented.Most of the passers-by were carrying themselves proudly,head high; but they made way,as was customary,for the old men./ “怎么样? 我知道你哭是假的! …”三道头~地说。(陶承《我的一家》68) “Ah!I knew it,” said the man in a self-satisfied manner.“You were only pretending to cry…/“什么有办法,我正犯纪律。”他~的一伸舌头,向大家做了个鬼脸。(曲波《林海雪原》574) “A fine way to get things done.Breaching the rules.” But he gave them a satisfied smirk. ❍ 那包勇醉着,不知好歹,便~回到府中,问起同伴,知是方才见的那位大人是这府里提拔起来的。(《红楼梦》1382) Bao Yong,being drunk and reckless,swaggered back to the house to question his fellow servants, who confirmed that Jin Yuchun owed his promotion to the Jia family, |