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单词 得心应手

得心应手dé xīn yìng shǒu

act (/do sth) in an expert (/masterly) way (/manner); adroit; as clay in the hands of the potter; at home with (/in/on); be easy to handle and work with great efficiency; deft; dextorous; with facility; with high proficiency
❍ 那时,自己掌握着这样一个~的组织,工作起来该多么顺利。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》136) Then he would at last have had an organization at his disposal—things could have gone very smoothly.
❍ 斗争是他~的事情。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》8) Fighting was his element.
❍ 挟了七八万现款的冯云卿就此走进了公债市场,半年来总算~,扯起利息来,二分半是有的。(茅盾《子夜》214)Feng Yunqing,with his eighty thousand dollars,had therefore plunged into the stock market.His luck had held for six months running,his monthly profit being a good two and a half per cent.


with high proficiency;with facility;in one’s element;handy;serviceable
他打起字来真是~。He is in his element when typing./这架手提电脑用起来很~。This lap-top is quite handy(or serviceable).

得心应手dé xīn yìnɡ shǒu

得心:指摸索到事物的规律;应:适应。心里摸索到规律,做起来就自然顺手。比喻技艺纯熟。adroit, in the groove, cook on the front burner, with high proficiency, have everything under perfect control, at home in, deft, dextorous, in a masterly way





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