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[口] (停留) stay:孩子们天黑后不应 ~ 在户外。 Children shouldn't stay out after dark. 他在上海 ~ 了10天。 He stayed in Shanghai for ten days.
另见 see also dài。


❶ (对待) treat;deal with:~ 人热情友好 treat people hospitably and kindly;
你应该 ~ 他更客气些。 You should deal with him more politely.
❷ (招待) entertain:她 ~ 客很慷慨。 She entertained her guests handsomely.
❸ (等待) wait for;await:尚 ~ 解决的问题 a problem awaiting solution;an outstanding issue;
有 ~ 改进 have yet to be improved
❹ (需要) need:自不 ~ 言。 This goes without saying.;This is taken for granted.
❺ (要;打算) going to;about to:~ 说不说 swallow what one was about to say;
我正 ~ 睡觉,电话响了。 I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
另见 see also dāi。
◆待毙 await death;be a sitting duck;
待茶 receive (guest) with tea;
待查 yet to be investigated;
待承 entertain;treat;
待发 {军} committed;due out;
待机 await the opportune moment;bide one's time;
待见 [口] like;be fond of;
待考 need checking;remain to be verified;
待客 receive guests;entertain guests;
待理不理 look cold and indifferent;lukewarm reception;give the cold shoulder to sb.;be standoffish;treat coldly;
待命 await orders;
待聘人员 the people waiting for engage ̄ment;
待人接物 the way one gets along with people;manner of dealing with people;the way one conducts oneself in relation to others;
待业 wait for employment;
待业青年 young people waiting for job assignments;unemployed youth;youth awaiting job;young people awaiting [waiting for] employment;
待业人员 people [personal] waiting for employment;
待遇 (对待;权利) treatment;(物质报酬) remuneration;pay;wages;salary;terms of employment;
待字闺中 (a girl) not betrothed yet;One's daughter is still unmarried.;waiting in the boudoir to be betrothed





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