释义 |
彼一时,此一时bǐ yī shí,cǐ yī shíthat was one situation (/time),and this is another; the conditions are different; the times are different,not compa rable; times have changed ❍ ~,说他怎的? (洪昇《长生殿》43) That was different. Why harp on the past?/~也。(《孟子·公孙丑下》) That was one time,and this is another. ❍ 玄德曰: “昔高祖之得天下,盖为能招降纳顺;公何拒韩忠耶?”曰:“~也。 ……”(《三国演义》12)Said Xuande,“Seeing that the founder of the Han Dynasty could welcome the submissive and receive the favourable,why reject these?” “The conditions are different,” replied Zhu Jian. ❍ 不过~,彼时我委实有点害怕; …… (鲁迅《朝花夕拾· “二十四孝图”》26) It is simply that times have changed. In those days I really was rather apprehensive. 彼一时,此一时bǐ yī shí,cǐ yī shí形容过去同现在的情况不一样,不能相混。times have changed, that was one situation, and this is another |