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❶influence;effect;act on;affect
❷fallout; impact; repercussion;clout;spillover;spillover effect
他希望在竞选中发挥真正的~。He hopes to exert real clout in the election campaign./对外开放对我国的经济发展有巨大的~。The policy of opening to the outside world has a strong impact on our economic growth./我并不认为那里发生的事会~我们的对华贸易关系。I don’t see any fallout in what happens there to our trade relations with China./政治和贸易是互相~的。Politics and trade interact on each other./这样做~不好。This would have an adverse effect on sth. or:This would adversely affect sth./那里还有地震的~。The after effects of earthquake are still felt there./独裁政权被推翻可能会对其邻国产生某些积极的~。Overthrow of the dictatorship may have some positive spillover effects in the neighboring countries./两国关系不因一时一事受到~resolve problems as they occur and ensure that bilateral relations are not affected(or not held hostage) by any particular issue/以提出认真的建议来~会谈的结果influence the outcome of the talks by putting forward serious proposals/在幕后施加~wield clout behind the scenes/提升亚欧在处理重大国际问题上的~力make Asia and Europe more inflential in addressing major global issues/努力克服油价上涨的~absorb the impact of rising oil prices/其~无人能及no one has quite the same influence as…/产生巨大~ exert a tremendous (or significant)influence;produce a great impact/施加~ exert (or use)one’s influence/消除天灾的~fight off (or eliminate,counteract)the effects of natural calamities/不受气氛的~ not affected by the atmosphere/受~fall under the influence of/受~国affected state/~工程进度hold up the project/~工作interfere with one’s work/~群众的积极性chill (or dampen)the enthusiasm of the masses/~威信lower one’s prestige/~质量impair the quality/~深远的后果farreaching consequences





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