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❶ (物体挡住光线后映出的形象) shadow: 树 ~ shadow of a tree; 树投 ~ 于草地上。 The tree projects a shadow on the grass.
❷ (镜中、水面等反映出来的物体形象) reflection; image: 倒 ~ inverted image; 湖光塔 ~ a lake with the reflection of a pagoda in it
❸ (模糊的形象或印象) trace; vague impression; sign: 他早就忘得没 ~ 儿了。 He's clean forgotten it.
❹ (照片) photograph; picture: 合 ~ group photo [picture]; 留 ~ have a photograph taken
❺ (电影) motion picture; film; movie: ~ 星 film star
❻ (皮影戏) leather-silhouette show Ⅱ ❶ [方] (隐藏) hide: 兔子 ~ 在高高的草丛中。 The rabbit hid in the high grass.
❷ (描摹) depict
◆影壁 screen wall; wall with carved murals; 影调 tone; chiaroscuro; 影格儿 model calligraphy sheet put under pieces of paper for children to copy; 影集 photograph album; picture album; 影迷 movie fan [goer]; film fan; 影片儿 [口] film; movie; 影片 film; movie; picture; film; copy; 影评 film review; cinecism; comment on film; 影射 allude to; hint obliquely at; insinuate; 影视之星 videostar; 影坛 the movie circle; moviedom; filmdom; 影条 {纺} shadow stripes; 影戏 leather-silhouette show; shadow play; 影响 influence; affect; effect; influence; 影像 {摄} image; portrait; icon; silhouette; video; phantom; eid-; eido-; 影协 [简] (中国电影家协会) Chinese Association of Film Artists; 影星 [简] (电影明星) film star; 影印 {刷} photogravure; photomechanical printing; photo-offset process; photoprinting; photographic print; photoprint; photostat; 影院 cinema; movie theatre; 影展 [简] photo exhibition; {影} Movie Festival; 影子 shadow; reflection; trace; sign; vague impression





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