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单词 彰明较著

彰明较著zhāng míng jiào zhù

conspicuous; easily seen; known to everyone; quite evident; speak for itself; striking; very clearly shown; very obvious
❍ 过去十年“文化围剿”之罪恶,~,奈何今日又欲重蹈之乎? (《毛泽东选集》682) The crime of the ten years of“cultural suppression”is known to everyone; why should anyone desire to repeat it today?/事实是毫无情面的东西,它能将空言打得粉粹。有这么的~,其实,据我的愚见,是大可以不必再玩 “之乎者也” 了——横竖永远是没有用的。(鲁迅《文学·安贪乐道法》116) Facts are completely pitiless and will smash all empty talk to smithereens. Despite these illuminating illustrations,in my humble opinion it is high time to put an end to this pedantic twaddle—in any case it will never be of any use.
❍ 已成年的作家们所占领的文坛上,当然不至于有这么~的可笑事,…… (《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—171) In the literary forum occupied by grown-up writers,of course,there are no such obvious jokes.
❍ 古来就这样,所谓读书人,对于后起者却反而专用~的或改头换面的禁锢。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—119) Since time immemorial so-called scholars have always tried openly or under cover to hem in those coming after them.

彰明较著zhānɡ mínɡ jiào zhù

彰、明、较、著:都是明显的意思。形容非常明显。very obvious, easily seen, conspicuous, quite evident, be already so obvious





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