释义 |
彬彬有礼bīn bīn yǒu lǐaffable; be civil(/courteous) to; ceremonious; civil and obliging;genteel; good-(/well-)mannered; polite and respectful; refined and courteous; urbane; show courtesy to; with cap (/hat) in hand; with ce remonious deference ❍ 他的黄眼珠望了一下这个~、可亲的政委,心里感到松快一些。(知侠 《铁道游击队》331)With his yellow beady eyes,when he saw the political commissar who looked quite affable and kindly,he felt somewhat relieved. ❍ 在营口码头上,我怎么也不会想到,这个~的戴细腿近视眼镜的人,会有这么不平凡的经历。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》292) But when I met him on the Yingkou wharf I never would have dreamed that this polite bespectacled man had such an unusual past,…/他扣上西装上衣的扣子,~地走上一步点了点头,说:“久仰,久仰,三太太……”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —97) He buttoned up his jacket and moved forward with ceremonious deference and said with an inclination of his head: “I have long looked forward to this moment,San Taitai…” 彬彬有礼refined and courteous;urbane 彬彬有礼affable and courteous;urbane;polite 他对每个人都~。He is affable to everybody. 彬彬有礼bīn bīn yǒu lǐ彬彬:文雅的样子。形容既文雅又有礼貌。refined and courteous, urbane, courtly, affable, ceremonious, genteel, urbame |