释义 |
彩[ ❷綵]cǎi❶ (颜色) colour: ~ 云 rosy clouds; 五 ~ of different colours;multicoloured ❷ (彩色丝绸) coloured [variegated] silk: 剪 ~ cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony; 张灯结 ~ decorate with lanterns and coloured ribbons ❸ (称赞夸奖的欢呼声) applause;cheer: ~ 声 acclamation;applause; 喝 ~ acclaim;cheer ❹ (花样;精彩的成分) variety;splendour: 丰富多~ rich and colourful [varied] ❺ (赌博或某种游戏中给得胜者的东西) prize;winnings: 中 ~ win a prize (in a lottery,etc.) ❻ (负伤流血) blood from a wound: 挂 ~ be wounded in battle ◆彩蚌 painted shell;painting on shell; 彩车 float (in a parade); 彩绸 coloured silk;silk of various colours; 彩船 barge; 彩瓷 faience;decorative porcelain; 彩带 (彩色的丝绸带子) coloured ribbon;(彩条) colour bar;(彩色纸带) ticker-tape; 彩旦 the clown who plays the role of a female,usually of the vicious type; 彩蛋 painted eggshell;painting on eggshell; 彩灯 illumination;coloured lantern or lamp; 彩电 colour TV;a colour TV set; 彩凤随鸦 A beautiful phoenix mated to a crow — a perfect woman married to a worthless man.;A beautiful woman married an ugly husband.;A pretty girl married an ugly person.;a woman marrying a man who is much in ferior in appearance and talent by comparison; 彩号 (伤员) wounded soldier; 彩虹 rainbow; 彩画 colour painting; 彩鸦 glossy ibis; 彩绘 coloured drawing or pattern;colour decoration; 彩轿 bridal sedan chair; 彩卷 colour film; 彩礼 betrothal gifts (from the bridegroom to the bride's family);bride-price; 彩练 coloured ribbon; 彩门 decorated gateway; 彩排 dress rehearsal; 彩棚 decorated tent [marquee] (the wooden framework decorated with silk,colour paper,etc. for celebration); 彩票 lottery ticket;raffle ticket; 彩旗 bunting;coloured [variegated] flags; 彩气 good luck or fortune (in gambling); 彩球 ball-shaped bundle of coloured silk ribbons; 彩色 multicolour;colour;{工艺} chromatic colour; 彩色扩印 enlarged colour photograph; 彩饰 illuminating;polychrome;decorating; 彩塑 colour modelling;coloured sculpture;painted sculpture; 彩陶 ancient painted pottery;coloured pottery; 彩陶文化 {考古} Painted-Pottery Culture; 彩头 good luck (in business,gambling);lucky; 彩霞 rosy [pink;roseate] clouds; 彩印 {刷} colour printing; 彩釉 colour ceramic glaze; 彩照 (彩色照片) colour picture;colour photo 彩za caihang up festoons or streamers |