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单词 back
释义 back3 /baek; baek/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, 2A, C] go or cause to go ~ward ⑴:后退; 使后退: The horse ~ed suddenly. 马忽然向虫退。 He ~ed the car into/out of the garage. 他把 车倒退着驶入(出)停车间。 The wind ~ed, changed gradually in an anti-clockwise direction (eg from E through NE iron. 背面包上一层铁皮。 6 [VP6A, 3A] ~ (on) (to), be situated at the ~ of: 位于…的后面: 0“r garden ~s theirs. 我们花园在他们的花园后面。 Their house ~s on (to) our garden. 他们的房子在我们花园的背后。 ~er n 1 person who ~s a horse. 赛马市而下注者。 2 person who gives support or help (eg to a political movement); person who gives financial support to an undertaking. 支持者; 拥护者(如拥护某一政治运动); 赞助者(对某一事业予以财务上的支持者)。 ~ing n 1 [U] help; support; [C] body of supporters: 赞助; 支持; 支持者之集圏; 赞助团; 后台: The new leader has a large ~ing. 此新领袖看大批的支持者。 2 [U] material used to form a thing's ~ or support. 用作某物之后背或支撑物的材料; 衬料; 支材。 3 [U, C] (pop music) musical accompaniment to a singer: (流行音乐) 流行歌曲的伴奏: vocal/instrumental ~ing. 历部(乐器) 伴奏。 to N). 风向逐渐倒转(即循着逆时钟方向转,例如自东风转为东北风,再转为北风)。 O veer. ~ the oars; ~ water, use the oars to reverse a boat's forward motion. 划桨使船后退。 2 [VP6A, 15B] ~ (up), support: 支持; 拥护: ~ a friend in an argument or quarrel; 在辩论或争论中支持朋友; ~ up an argument. 支持一论据。 Hence, 由此产生,' ~ up n (colloq) support; spared (俗)支持; 备件 o — s bill/ note, endorse it as a promise to pay money if necessary. 背书(在票据背面签名, 表示承诺必要时即行付款)。 3 [VP6A] bet money on (a horse, a greyhound): 下赌注于(某一匹马或某一条跑狗): The favourite was heavily ~ed, Much money was bet on its winning the race. 大家对那匹热门马下了重注(赌其将为得胜者)。 4 [VP2C] ~ 'down (from). give up a claim, etc: 放弃要求等: I see he has ~ed down from the position he took last week. 我看他已放弃了他上星期所采取的立场。 Hence, 由此产生,,~, down n. ~ off, give up a claim. 放弃要求。 ~ out (of), withdraw (from a promise or undertaking): 雀言; 打退堂鼓: He promised to help and then ~ed out. 他答应帮忙,后来却食言了。 He's trying to ~ out of his bargain, escape from the agreement. 他在设法不履行合约规定。 5 [VP6A] put or be a lining to; put on as a surface at the ~: 加里衬于; 作为…的里衬; 加于…的背面: ~ed with sheet




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