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单词 引经据典

引经据典yǐn jīng jù diǎn

quote authoritative works; quote the classics; give quotations from the classics
❍ 倘在文人,他总有一番辩护自己的变化的理由,~。(《鲁迅选集》119) Men of letters can always find reasons and precedents from the classics to justify their shifts of allegiance.
❍ 另一方面也不喜欢新区委书记动不动~,说话拐弯抹角的作风。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》82)Moreover he had been annoyed with the former’s frequent quotations from political texts and reports and his indirect style of talking./“哈哈哈!”他一面大笑,一面站了起来,“又是~。……”(鲁迅《故事新编》23) Yi stood up,laughing heartily. “You’re always quoting some adage…”/人和厂成了洋车界的权威,刘家父女的办法常常在车夫与车主的口上,如读书人的~。(老舍《骆驼祥子》33) Its prestige was so high in rickshaw circles that the Liu family’s methods were often cited by pullers and owners alike,just as scholars quote from the classics to prove a point.
❍ 但当有人提出意见时,他又~地说这个不行,那个错误。(《周恩来选集》上—123)When others came up with suggestions,he again quoted the classics at length,saying that this idea wouldn’t work and that idea was wrong.

引经据典yin jing ju dian

quote the classics


quote the classics or authorative works

引经据典yǐn jīnɡ jù diǎn

引:援引;据:依据。引用经典著作来作为说话、写文章的依据。quote the classics, give chapter and verse, speak by the book





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