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单词 off
off/ɒf, AmE ɔ:f/ adj & adv [无comp];prep

adj (1)越位的 ((in football etc)(of a player) in a wrong position between the ball and opposite goal)[作attrib]:The forward was in an~position.那名前锋越位了。

(2)(对某人)不礼貌,不友好(impolite or unfriendly towards sb)[A(with)][作pred](尤用于rather,very,slightly等之后)(infml):She was rather~with them.她对他们很不客气.He sounded a bit~on the phone.他在电话中的口气有些冷淡。

(3)(指食物)不新鲜((of food)no longer fresh)[作pred]:The cream/milk/cheese has gone~.这奶油/牛奶/奶酪已变质。The fish you gave me is slightly~.你给我的那条鱼已经有味了。

off chance 极小的可能性:There is still an~chance that the team will win.这个队获胜尚有一线希望。

adv(1)距,离,到(远至某处、某时),离开(away from a placetimeetc):The village is only three miles~now.现在离村子只有三英里远。Run~and play now children! 孩子们,跑去玩吧! Be~/O~with you! 滚开O~you go!你走开!I'm~now.我走了。Christmas is only two weeks~.离圣诞节只有两个星期了。It was half past three now,the morning was a long time~.现在才3点半,离早晨还有好长一段时间。

(2)去掉,脱离(indicating removal or separation):take one's hat/coat/shoes,etc~脱帽/衣/鞋等;He has thrown~his old habits.他抛弃了老习惯。She quite happily cast~three boy friends in one week.她毫不介意地在一周内就甩掉三个男友。

(3)出发,起跑(setting out):I am~to France tomorrow.我明天去法国.He's~.他已经起跑了。

(4)取消(cancelled):The meeting has been called/put~.会议已经取消/推迟。The match/strike/trip is~.比赛/罢工/旅行取消了。

(5)关掉,断开(no longer being used):turn the television/the light/the switch/the tap~把电视/电灯/电门/水龙头关上;Is the air conditioner/central heating~or on?空调/集中供暖关着还是开着?

(6)停止供应(no longer being supplied or served):The water/gas/electricity is~.水/煤气/电停了。His father cut~the supplies.他的父亲停止给他生活费。The beefsteak is~today.今日牛排停止供应。

(7)不上(值)班,不工作(free from work or duty):I'm~on Saturdays.我周六不上班。He gave us the afternoon~.他下午放我们半天假。He took/had two weeks~in August.他在8月份休假两星期。

(8)减(削)价,折扣((of a price)reduced by a certain amount):sell/buy a radio at £20~打折20英镑出售/买一台收音机;be on sale with £3~削价三英镑出售;You can get 10 percent~with a student I.D. 用学生证你可以打九折。All shoes have 20%~.鞋类一律八折。

(9)光,完,尽,全部地(completely):drink/pay/clear/drain~喝光/付清/清理干净/排干净;You'd better finish~your letter before you go to bed.你最好写完信再去睡觉。This stuff kills~all vermin.这东西可消灭一切害虫。

be off for sth(infml)有所需要的某物:How(well)are you~for money at the moment?眼下你的钱有多少(多不多)?

off and on/on and off 断断续续地,不时:I see him~and on at the club.我不时在俱乐部看到他。

prep(1)从……落下(离开)(down or away from):step~the train/the platform 从火车/站台走下来;take a book~the shelf 从书架上拿下一本书;fall~the ladder/the horse从梯子/马上掉下;The heel rolled~his shoe.他的鞋后跟掉了。The plane is~its course again.飞机又一次偏离了航线。Half of what he said was~the subject.他说的话有一半不切题。Keep~the grass.勿践踏草地。

(2)离(距)……(near or being away from):We were a few miles~London.我们离伦敦几英里。He caught sight of Tessa,only two yards~him.他看到了特萨,只距他两码远。It is a few minutes~three o'clock.差几分钟3点。The house is on an island~the west coast of Scotland.那所房子在苏格兰西海岸一个岛屿上。

(3)通向(accessible to):a narrow lane~the main road 通向公路的一条乡间小路;The kitchen is~the dinning room.厨房通向餐厅。

(4)不再……(not able or willing to enjoydoetc):She's~smoking/beer/her diet.她不再吸烟/喝啤酒/节食。His doctor has taken him~alcohol/drugs.他的医生使他戒了酒/毒。





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