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单词 引人注目

引人注目惹人注目yǐn rén zhù mù

attract(/draw) people’s attention (/notice); attractive to the eye; become the centre (/focus) of attention;be in the limelight; catch the eye; conspicuous(ly);eye-catching; get into the public glare; inviting;knockout; notable; noticeable; remarkable;spectacular;splashy; strike the eye; striking(ly)
❍ 在这地点,这时间,又加以是服装不相调和的三个青年,不用说,就有点惹人注目。(茅盾《子夜》250) Needless to say,the sight of this incongruously attired trio walking at such a time and in such a place attracted a certain amount of attention.
❍ 生宝不进会议室去,他从来不愿惹人注意。(柳青《创业史》540) He didn’t enter the meeting hall. Shengbao never liked to attract attention.
❍ 也有敲打铜锣,高举旗帜,~的。(《毛泽东选集》25) Sometimes brass gongs are beaten and flags waved to attract people’s attention.
❍ 可惜十万元钞票的纸张和印刷,并不比万元的更大、更好,反而因为它的色彩模糊,倒不如万元的那样~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》2) It was unfortunate that the hundred-thousand dollar bills were no bigger and no better printed than the ten-thousand-dollar ones and with their drab colours were less attractive to the eye.
❍ 姚士杰他爸在世时,每年冬天请把式磨粉,现在,怕露富~,不敢磨了,那粉磨仅仅是在磨面时,放放罗面的家具罢了。(柳青《创业史》371) When Yao’s father was alive,he hired a skilled man every winter to grind white wheat extra fine for the family table. Today,Yao preferred not to call any attention to his prosperity. The stone for the fine grinding became a resting place for the imple ments used when milling and sifting flour of ordinary texture.
❍ 门口出现了一位青年,身穿大红方格子衬衫,西装裤子笔挺,裤脚管不大,显得脚上的那双光头皮鞋越发光得突出,乌而发亮,而他的头发一样的~。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—6) A young man appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a scarlet check shirt and European-style trousers with knife-edge creases and narrow bottoms that showed off his shoes,which had patent-leather toecaps,making them look even shinier and making them catch the eye as much as his equally glossy hair did.
❍ 为什么书店里摆着许多惹人注目的进步书籍? (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》122) Why did it conspicuously display so many progressive books?/惹人注意的是,他一只手牵着缰绳,一只手拿着一根五尺长的栎木植子。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—144) The striking thing about him was that,holding the reins with one hand,in the other he was grasping an oak staff a good five feet long.


~的变化spectacular changes/~的特点conspicuous features

引人注目yǐn rén zhù mù

把眼光注视到一点。形容特别引人注意。hold the stage, get the eye, in the public eye, noticeable, catch the eye, attract attention, come to the front, conspicuous





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