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单词 引人入胜

引人入胜yǐn rén rù shèng

[of scenery,literary works,etc.] absorbing; alluring; attractive;bewitching; enchanting; engrossing; entertaining;fascinating; ravishing
❍ 王卫军云: “酒正自引人着胜地。” (刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》) Wang Hui once said,“Wine is just the thing which naturally draws a man up and sets him in a transcendent place.”/办好报纸,把报纸办得~,在报纸上正确地宣传党的方针政策,通过报纸加强党和群众的联系,这是党的工作中的一项不可小看的、有重大原则意义的问题。(《毛泽东选集》1262) To run a newspaper well,to make it interesting and absorbing,to give correct publicity in the newspapers to the Party’s general and specific policies and to strengthen the Party’s ties with the masses through the newspapers—this is an important question of principle in our Party’s work which is not to be taken lightly.
❍ 还有“尝粪心忧”,也不容易~。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》 102) And the story “Tasting Faeces with an Anxious Heart”is hardly likely to make much appeal either.


风景优美,~。The beauty of the scene fills one with enchantment.

引人入胜yǐn rén rù shènɡ

胜:胜境,美妙的境界。领人进入美妙的境界。形容美丽的景色或文艺作品非常吸引人。absorbing, fascinating, lead one to a new view, attractive, interesting and entertaining





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