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单词 异口同声

异口同声众口同声yì kǒu tóng shēng

in a chorus; in concert; in one voice; in unison; with one accord (/breath/consent/mouth/voice)/“服从,服从,遵守,遵守。”七嘴八舌的众口同声。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—253)“Obey,obey! We’ll obey’em all!”answered a number of voices all at the same time./“一片很大的沙砾滩。”战士们~地回答。(曲波《林海雪原》532) “A huge stretch of sand and gravel,”the fighters chorused.
❍ 众仙老~,俱道:“好个‘安天大会’!好个 ‘安天大会’!”(《西游记》89) “What a magnificent name!”the various Immortals cried in unison,“Indeed,it shall be the Great Banquet for peace in Heaven.”/她回过头来问粗纱间的姊妹们。她们~地响亮地回答: “好! 摆平!” (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—54)When she looked round at her sister workers in the roving shop and asked this question they replied in a ringing chorus: “Agreed! Shut down!”/众人~地说:“姑娘!你已经十几天没回家了”。(曲波《林海雪原》564)Everyone answered in one voice: “You’ve been missing more than a dozen days,girl.”/潘信诚、宋其文和柳惠光他们都同意徐义德意见,~地说:“对呀。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ-491) Pan Xincheng,Song Qiwen and Liu Huiguang all agreed with Xu Yide’s view and they said with one voice: “That’s it.”/众 (~地) 八路军,八路军回来啦! (《白毛女》81) All(in unision)The Eighth Route Army—The Eighth Route Army’s come back.
❍ 如果倘有几个不肯退转,因而受害的,公论家便~,称之曰傻子。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ-117)If a few get hurt because they will not get out of the way,the public agrees that they are fools.


with one voice;in unison

异口同声yì kǒu tónɡ shēnɡ

不同人的嘴里说出同样的话。形容大家的说法完全一致。with one voice, in unison, in concert, with one accord





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