释义 |
开诚布公kāi chéng bù gōngfrank (/open) and aboveboard (/sincere/straightforward); be open with sb about sth; be perfectly honest about; be quite frank with; heart-to-heart; in all sincerity and frankness; openhearted; straight from the shoulder;unbosom oneself ❍ 让我们~的来谈吧,你当然知道怎么样做才对你有利。(高云览《小城春秋》149) Let’s be frank. Naturally you know what to do if you want things to go easily. ❍ 我办事就爱个爽快。~和我商量,我也~。(茅盾《子夜》275) Now,I like to keep everything I do aboveboard,and if a man’s perfectly frank with me,then I’ll be perfectly frank with him. ❍ 我希望大家~,坦坦白白地把问题摆在桌子上,谈清楚,徐总经理。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—346) I hope,Mr Xu,that we can all be perfectly honest about this; let’s put all our cards on the table for a frank discussion and get the problem thrushed out. ❍ 但是经他~地陈说了一番,冰如就说,“你还有教育以外的大志,就不好拖住你了。……” (叶圣陶《倪焕之》318) But once he had given him a frank account of all the circumstances,Bingru said,“If you’ve set your mind on some great purpose beyond education,then it would not be right for me to try to dissuade you. …” 开诚布公frank and sincere;in all sincerity and frankness;open-hearted 双方~地交换了意见。The two sides have had a sincere and frank exchange of views. 开诚布公kāi chénɡ bù ɡōnɡ开诚:敞开胸怀;布:宣布。坦白无私、真诚相待、坦率地提出自己的见解和看法。speak frankly and sincerely, as open as day, be frank and aboveboard, be perfectly frank |