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单词 occupy
occupy/′ɒkjupaɪ, AmE ′ɑ:-/ v [-ies/z/-ied,-ied/aɪd/]

(1)占领(据)(take possession of and maintain control over by force)[T+n]:The troops invaded and~ied the country.军队入侵并占领了这个国家。The city was~ied on August 20. 8月20日该城被占领。The plan was to~the capital.计划是攻占首都。〖同〗conquer;〖反〗liberate,free;

(2)占有(用);居住(possess;live in)[T+n]:We~the top flat.我们住在顶层。When I arrived I saw that the place was already~ied by two strangers.当我到达时,我看到那地方已被两个陌生人占据了。Is anyone~ing this seat? 这个座位有人坐吗?〖同〗inhabit,use,hold,possess;〖反〗quit,leave;

(3)占(时间,空间等)(be in or fill(timespaceetc))[T+n]:The job will~very little of your time.这项工作只会占你一点点时间。His mind was~ied with the future.他的脑子里光想着未来。Many cares and anxieties~ied his mind.他满腹心事,忧虑重重。Sports often~a boy's attention.男孩子常常热衷于体育运动。〖同〗fill,engage,employ;

(4)使忙碌(从事)(keep oneself busy;employ or use one's energyetc)[T+nT+n(oneself)+prep(in/with)]:He was too much~ied to go to the show.他太忙了,不能去看演出。They never talked and seemed always completely~ied in doing nothing.他们从不交谈,而且好像总是无所事事。She~ies herself with/in trifles.她被琐事缠身。

(5)处于(某种地位),担任(职务)(hold or control(an office or position))[T+n]:She~ies an extremely important position on the committee/a unique place in English literature.她在委员会中担任一个极重要的职务/在英国文学中占有独特的地位。He~ies an important government post.他担任政府要职。

(6)占据(某地)示威(take possesion of(a place)eg to show one's opposition to sth)[T+n]:The students have~ied the Administration Building.学生已经占据了行政楼。The Embassy was~ied by the terrorists.大使馆被恐怖分子占据了。

→′occupied adj 在使用着的,被占用的;专心于,忙于;′occupier n 占用(领)者;有人,居住者′occupancy n;占有,占用;居住 pre′occupy v 预占;re′occupy v 收复;再住(用);使……再从事;un′occupied adj 空闲的;空的,没人住的;occu′pation n;

【辨异】occupy holdownpossess have的区别见HAVE。





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