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单词 开宗明义

开宗明义kāi zōng míng yì

make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning; the purpose(/goal/theme) being clearly stated in the opening chapter (/sentences)
❍ 则~,已异前人,而《红楼梦》在狭邪小说之泽,亦自此而斩也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》234) Evidently the purpose of the book is different from that of earlier novels,and this marks the end of the romantic tradition in the literature dealing with singsong girls.

开宗明义kai zong ming yi

make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning


make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning

开宗明义kāi zōnɡ mínɡ yì

宗:主旨,指文章的主题,行动的目的等。揭示主题,讲明全部意义。make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning, the goal being clearly stated in the opening chapter, state the purpose in opening chapter





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