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单词 occasion
occasion/ ə′keɪ ʒn/ n & v

n (1)特定时刻(particular time esp as marked by certain circumstances)[C]:on this/that/the present/the last/one~在这一时刻/在那一时刻/这次/上次/有一次;They on several~s almost took my life.有几次他们还差点要了我的命。I send my best wishes on this happy~.在这幸福的时刻,我送上最美好的祝愿。I can't recall the~,but I've met her before.我以前碰到过她,但想不起在哪个场合了。He looked round at them all and made an effort to rise to the~.他环顾他们每一个人,想努力应付好这个局面。It is considered too informal an attitude for such an~.人们认为,在这样的场合采取这种态度是过于随便了。have a sense of~有场合感;

(2)(时)机,机会(opportunity)[Csing][N(for)]:I want to take/use this~to thank you.我想利用这个机会来感谢你。Christmas is always an~for merry-making.圣诞节始终是欢庆的时刻。This is not an~for lazy walks/laughter/tears.这不是漫步/开怀大笑/痛哭流涕的时候。If the~presents itself,I shall speak to him.如果有机会,我会跟他讲。He never missed any~of visiting the castle.他从来不错过游览这座城堡的机会。〖同〗 opportunity,chance,instance,circumstance;

(3)特殊事件,盛事(会,举)(special event or celebration)[C]:The country's bicentennial was quite an~.该国建国200周年纪念相当隆重。Let's make our wedding an~to remember.让我们把婚礼办成永远铭记的盛会。They have the date fixed for the big~.他们已将举行这个盛大集会的日子定了下来。〖同〗event,occurrence,happening;

(4)理由;必(需)要(reason;need;requirement)[U](fml):You have no~to do that/be angry.你没有理由去做那件事/生气。There was no~for a doctor.没有必要请医生。The debate had to be postponed,by~of the illness of one of the principal speakers.由于主要发言人之一患病,辩论不得不延期举行。〖同〗 reason,cause,need;

(5)起(近)因(immediate but incidental cause of some action or result)[C](fml):The dog which was the~of the quarrel had run away.引起这场争吵的那条狗跑掉了。The real causes of the strike are not clear,but the~was the dismissal of two workmen.罢工的真正原因不太清楚,但起因是两个工人被解雇。What was the~for all that laughter?这都是笑什么?

on occasion 有时;必要时(fml):I ride my bicyele on~.我有时骑自行车。

on the occasion of sth值此……之际,在……的时候(fml):We bought her the picture on the~of her 70th birthday.我们在她70岁生日时给她买了这幅画。

v 引起(be the cause of sth.)(fml)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:What~ed his remark? 是什么引起他这番话? The remark~ed a burst of applause.这番话引起一阵掌声。His behaviour~ed (us) a lot of trouble/much anxiety.他的所作所为(给我们)惹了许多麻烦/使我们非常担心。This discovery~ed me no surprise.这一发现并没有使我感到惊奇。The lack of cooperation~ed much grief to them.缺乏合作给他们造成许多痛苦。

→occ′asional adj 不时的,偶然的;应对的;oc′casionally adv不(有)时;偶尔;

【辨异】1)occasion opportunitychance的区别见CHANCE。2)occasioncause的区别见CAUSE。





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