释义 |
开(開)kāiⅠ ❶ (使关闭着的东西不再关闭; 打开) open; turn on; switch on; be on: ~ 灯 turn on the light; ~ 水龙头 turn on the tap; ~ 窗[门] open the window [door]; ~ 电视机 turn on the TV; ~ 锁 open a lock; unlock ❷ (挖; 打通; 开辟) make an opening; open up; reclaim: ~ 200亩水稻田 open up 200 mu of paddy fields; ~ 运河 dig a canal; 在墙上 ~ 个窗口 make a window in the wall ❸ (舒张; 分离) open out; come loose: 花都 ~ 了。 The flowers are all open. 菊花在秋季 ~。 Chrysanthemums put forth flowers in autumn. 扣儿 ~ 了。 The knot has come untied. ❹ (河流解冻) thaw; become navigable: ~ 冻 thaw; 河 ~ 了。 The river is navigable now. ❺ (解除) lift (a ban, restriction, etc.): ~ 荤 break vegetarian fast; ~ 禁 lift a ban ❻ (发动; 操纵) start; operate: ~ 飞机 fly [pilot] an airplane; ~ 机器 operate a machine; ~ 汽车 drive a car; 火车什么时候 ~? When does the train start? ❼ (队伍开拔) (of troops, etc.) set out; move: ~ 往 leave for (destination); 军队正 ~ 往前线。 The troops are moving to the front. ❽ (建立; 开办) set up; run: ~ 店 run [keep] a shop; ~ 茶馆 run a teahouse; ~ 工厂 set up a factory ❾ (开始) begin; start: ~ 拍 start shooting (a film); 这个渔季 ~ 网大吉。 The fishing season began most auspiciously. ❿ (举行) hold (a meeting, exhibition,etc.): ~ 运动会 hold an athletic meet; hold a sports-meet ⓫ (写出) write out; make a list of: ~ 介绍信 write a letter of introduction; ~ 名单 make a list of names; ~ 收条 [支票] make out a receipt [ckeck]; ~ 药方 write out a prescription; 把你所需要的书 ~ 个单子。 Make out a list of the books you need. 银行 ~ 出了不可撤销的信用证。 The bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit. ⓬ (支付; 开销) pay (wages, fares, etc.): ~ 工资 pay out wages; ~ 饷 issue pay (esp. to soldiers) ⓭ (沸腾) boil: 水 ~ 了。 The water is boiling. ⓮(用在动词后, 表示扩大或扩展): 消息传 ~ 了。 The news has got about. 这支歌儿流行 ~ 了。 The song has become very popular. ⓯ (用在动词后, 表示开始并继续下去): 冻得他哆嗦 ~ 了。 He was shivering with cold. 音乐一响, 姑娘们就跳 ~ 了。 As soon as the music began the girls started to dance. Ⅱ ❶ (十分之几的比例) percentage: 大家认为他的功过是三七 ~。 The general assessment of his work is 70% achievements and 30% mistakes. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 兆 Kai Zhao Ⅲ ❶ {刷} (整张纸的若干分之一) division of standard size printing paper: 8 ~ octavo; 32 ~ thirty-twomo; 32mo ❷ (黄金中含纯金量的计算单位) carat: 14 ~ 金 14 -carat gold ❸ (开尔文, 热力学温度单位) kelvin (K) 另见 see also kɑi。 ◆开拔 (of troops) move; set out; 开办 open; set up; start; found; establish; 开办费 organization costs; preliminary expense; 开本 {刷} format; book size; 开笔 [旧] begin to learn to write poems and compositions in one's life; begin writing in a year; 开闭阀 open and close valve; 开闭器 shutter; 开标 open sealed tenders; bid opening; opening of tender; open tender; 开采 mine; extract; exploit; recover; 开舱 break bulk; break out (a cargo); 开仓济贫 open the granaries to relieve the poor; open the barn to help the poor; 开槽 open slot; notch; recess; engroove; ploughing; raggle; hacking; 开叉 jag; vent; 开场 begin; opening of a show; open; start; 开场白 prologue; opening speech; introductory remarks; opening remarks; 开敞 open; 开车 drive; start; set a machine going; power-on; 开诚布公 speak frankly and sincerely; be frank and above-board; have a frank and straight talk; in all sincerity and frankness; lay all the cards on the table; make a frank statement without reservations; open oneself; open one's heart to sb.; speak candidly and honestly about ...; talk frankly without hedging about; talk it over plainly; wear one's heart on one's sleeve; 开诚相见 open one's heart to sb.; be open-hearted [frank] with sb.; meet ... in all sincerity; treat sb. open-heartedly; with an open heart; 开秤 begin business; 开锄 start hoeing; 开除 expel; discharge; dismiss; disciplinary dismissal; send down; fire; sack; 开窗 window; windowing; 开创 start; initiate; found; set up; pioneer; open; 开春 beginning of spring; in early spring; 开打 (of actors in Chinese operas) perform fighting; 开裆裤 open-seat pants; split pants; 开刀 perform [have] an operation; operate [be operated] on; make sb. the first target of attack; punish; behead; 开导 help sb. to see what is right or sensible; help sb. to straighten out his wrong or muddled thinking; enlighten; give guidance to; educate and enlighten; explain and make sb. understand; 开倒车 turn the clock back; turn back the wheel of history; put back the clock; return to the past; back-pedal; 开道 clear the way; [方] make way; 开底式挖泥船 hopper dredger; 开顶风船 sail against the wind; go against the tide [stream]; row against the wind [flood]; 开动 start; set in motion; bring into operation; move; march; be on the move; 开动机器 machining; start a machine; 开动脑筋 set one's wits to work; put on one's thinking cap; rack [cudgel; beat] one's brains; use one's brains; 开冻 thaw; 开端 beginning; start; open end; 开断 cut-off; drop-out; 开恩 show mercy; bestow favours; have mercy on; grant special favour to; 开尔文 Kelvin; {热} degree Kelvin; 开发 develop; developing; open up; exploit; exploitation; 开发机制 build engine; 开发软件 build software; 开发区 Open Economic Zone; development zones; coastal open regions; new investment and development zones; 开发银行 development bank; 开饭 serve a meal; 开方 {数} extracting; extract a root; extraction of a root; evolution; 开方子 {中医} write a prescription for the patient; 开放 come into bloom; lift a ban; lift a restriction; opening to the outside world; open to traffic; open to pulic use; be open to the public; 开放搞活 open towards foreign countries and enlivening the domestic economy; 开放区 open zone; 开放式 open type; 开放数据库 open database; 开放型企业 open enterprises; 开放性 open; patent; 开封 break or open a seal; Kaifeng (a city in Henan Province); 开风 blow in; 开缝 slotting; 开幅 {纺} scutching; 开赴 march to; be bound for; 开覆盖 open covering; 开割槽 opening slot; 开革 [旧] discharge; remove sb.'s name from the roll; 开工 go into operation; start operation; be put into operation; commissioning; on stream; start; begin construction; 开工率 rate of operation; operation rate; 开公司 launch company; set up company; 开弓 drawing the bow; 开沟 ditching; guttering; trench ̄ing; 开沟排涝 dig ditches to drain the waterlongged fields; 开沟平地 dig ditches and level land; 开沟器 furrow opener; furrower; drill boot; colter boot; opener boot; opening share; 开沟引水 build a canal to bring water; 开棺验尸 disinterment of a corpse for autopsy; open the coffin and examine the corpse (therein); 开关 circuit changer; derail; disjunctor; on-off; make-and-break key; switch; button; 开管 open pipe; 开罐检验 cut out test; 开罐器 can opener; 开光 opening the light; 开锅 [口] (of a pot) boil; 开锅式拌和机 open-pan mixer; 开国 found a state; 开国大典 founding ceremony (of a state); inauguration; 开国元勋 a founding father of a country; a statesman who aided in laying the foundation of the monarchy; one who aided in forming a dynasty; the founder of the state; 开焊 (of welded joint) snap; break; 开航 become open for navigation; be open to navigation; set sail; sail; 开合桥 folding bridge; leaf bridge; bascule bridge; draw bridge; 开河 construct a canal; open up a waterway; thaw; breakup of the ice in a river; 开红灯 give the red light to; stop (banish); “开后门” abusing one's powers to secure advantages for others; by the back door; open the back door; pass out the sought-after goods to friends and relatives in return for favours; resort to back-stair influence; secure advantages for others; 开户 open an account; establish an account; 开花 flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower; explode; 开花结果 blossom [bloom] and yield [bear] fruit; flower and bear fruit — yield positive results; 开化 become civilized; civilized; 开怀 to one's heart's content; joyful; jubilant; 开怀畅谈 have a pleasant conversation; have a great delightful [hearty] talk together; 开怀畅饮 drink to one's (heart's) content; carouse to one's heart's content; drink freely with great joviality; go on a drinking spree; have a hearty drink; drink heartily; throw off care and take a jolly cup; 开环儿 [口] (of a woman) give birth to the first child; 开环 ring opening; open loop; open cycle; 开荒 open up wasteland; reclaim wasteland; assart; cultivate virgin land; 开会 hold a meeting; attend a conference; go to a meeting; 开荤 begin or resume a meat diet; end a meatless diet; 开荤戒斋 break a vegetarian fast and terminate; 开伙 start the management of messing arrangements; 开火 open fire; engage in battle; fire; 开豁 open and clear; with one's mental outlook broadened; 开机 starting up; 开(盘)价 opening price; state a price; make a quotation; quote; initial price; the asking price; bid price; 开架 open-shelf; 开间 [方] the standard width of a room in an old-style house (about 10 chi, the length of a purlin); [方] width of a room; {建} bay; 开奖 draw the winning numbers of a lottery; run a lottery; 开讲 begin lectur ̄ing or story-telling; 开胶 chip; tackless; 开戒 break an abstinence (from smoking, drinking, etc.); break one's resolution; 开金 karat gold; karats fine; 开禁 lift a ban; rescind a prohibition; 开局 opening; 开具 opener; draw up; 开卷 uncoil; decoil; 开卷机 decoiler; uncoiler; payoff reel; uncoiling machine; unwinder; unwinding coiler; 开卷 open a book; begin to read a book; 开掘 dig; 开开眼界 broaden one's vision [horizon]; 开课 school begins; start class at the beginning of a new semester; give a course; teach a subject; deliver a course; 开垦 open up wasteland for farming; reclamation; reclaim wasteland; bring under cultivation; break ground; cultivate; 开孔 trompil; open pore; portiforium; tapping; trepanning; 开口 open one's mouth; start to talk; begin to speak; put the first edge on a knife; sharpen the edge of a new blade; opening aperture; {纺} shedding; aperture; placketing; orifice; fent; hiascent; 开口闭口 every time when one opens one's mouth; cannot open one's mouth without talking about...; say the same thing again and again; whenever one speaks; 开口环 split ring; clip ring; spring ring; snap ring; 开口式 open type; 开口跳 a clown who is skilled in martial arts; 开口子 break; burst; chap; 开快车 drive a high speed; speed up; step on the gas; open the throttle; speed up; hurry through one's work; make short work of a job [sth.]; hasten up with one's work; catch up with working schedule; 开矿 open a mine; open up a mine; exploit a mine; 开括号 {计} opening bracket; 开阔 open; wide; tolerant; generous in thoughts; widen; 开朗 open and clear; clear up; sanguine; optimistic; 开犁 start the year's ploughing; plough the first furrow as a guideline; 开例 create a precedent; 开立方 extraction of (the) cubic root; subtriplicate; 开镰 start harvesting; 开脸 [旧] (of a girl at the time of getting married) change the hair style, clear off the fine hair on the face and neck and trim the hair on the temples; (of crafts) carve the face of a figure; 开列 draw up (a list); list; make a list; 开裂 dehiscence; dehisce; cracking; crazing; ripping; cleavage; split; 开褛 {农} start the year's sowing with an animal-drawn seed plough; 开炉 blow-on; blow-in; run of a furnace; 开路 open a way; blaze a trail; open a new road; break a fresh path; {电} open circuit; broken circuit; open loop; disconnection; 开罗 Cairo; 开锣 begin performance; 开锣[路]喝道 beat gongs and shout at passengers to open the way for a coming official; shout to the crowd to clear the way; 开绿灯 give the green light; give free rein; turn on the green light; give the go-ahead signal; 开门 push plate; open the door; 开门办学 carry out open-door education; conduct open- door schooling; run classes in an open-door way; run the school with the door open; 开门红 make a good start [beginning]; an auspicious start; get off to a flying (good) start; let the beginning of the year be crowned with achievements; start the season [year; month; etc.] off with a bang; 开门见山 The door opens on a view of mountains.; come [go] straight [right] to the point; come straight to the question; cut the cackle and come to the horses; declare [make clear] one's intention immediately; in a straight-forward manner; no beating about the bush; put it bluntly; say point-blank; 开门揖盗 throw the door open for the robbers; fling open the gate and bow in the gangsters; invite disaster by letting in evil-doers; lay one's house open to theft [robbery]; leave the house open so that thieves might enter; open the door to invite thieves; That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl.; 开棉机 {纺} waste silk opener; opener; 开明 enlightened; liberal; open-minded; 开幕 begin the performance; the curtain rises; open; inaugurate; 开拍 {摄} Camera!; {影} crank in; 开盘 {经} opening quotation (on the exchange); 开炮 open fire with artillery; fire a cannon; fire; bombard; fire criticism at sb.; severely criticize; 开坯 {冶} cogging; cogging down; blooming; break-down; knobbling; 开辟 open up; hew out; break; open up; set up; establish; start; develop; 开篇 introductory song in a fiddle ballad; 开票 open the ballot box and count the ballots; make out an invoice; 开屏 (of a peacock) spread its tail; display its fine tail feathers; 开普勒 Kepler; 开启 open; 开枪 fire with a rifle, pistol, etc.; fire a round; shoot; 开腔 begin to speak; open one's mouth; 开窍 have one's ideas straightened out; begin to understand; be enlightened; {中医} inducing resuscitation; therapy for waking up a patient from unconsciousness; 开球 {体} open ball; open sphere; kick off; starting the game; 开渠 channelization; 开人玩笑 make a joke about sb.; play a joke on sb.; make a mockery of sb.; make fun of sb.; make merry over a person; put the joke on sb.; 开刃 put the first edge on a knife or a pair of scissors; 开伞 {航空} parachate-opening; deployment parachute; 开山 cut into a mountian (for quarrying, etc.); 开山祖师 the founder of a religious sect or a school of thought; originator; father; 开墒 {农} plough the first furrow as a guideline; 开设 open; set up; establish; found; offer (a course in college, etc.); 开审 sit at session; 开始 begin; start; initiate; commence; initial stage; beginning; outset; inception; initiation; onset; dawning; 开式 open; 开士[司]米 {纺} cashmere; 开释 release (a prisoner); acquit; acquittal; set free; 开市 open [reopen] after a cessation of business; start trading; open the market; the first transaction of a day's business; 开水 boiling water; boiled water; 开台 begin a theatrical performance; 开天窗 put in a skylight — leave a blank in a publication to show that sth. has been censored; open space in a newspaper; 开天辟地 when heaven was separated from earth — the creation of the world; in the beginning of the heaven and the earth genesis; since the dawn of history; since the beginning of history; epoch-making; 开庭 open a court session; call the court to order; hold a court; 开通 remove obstacles from; dredge; clear; 开通 open-minded; liberal; enlightened; broad-minded; liberal-minded; modern-minded; 开头 begin; start; make a start; beginning period; at the beginning of; 开脱 absolve; exculpate; exonerate; vindicate; 开拓 open up; reclaim; extension; open-out prolongation; baring; {矿} developing; opening; {数} extension; 开拓海外市场 open up the overseas market; 开拓进取 forge ahead; 开拓精神 pioneering spirit; 开拓型人才 talent of pioneering type; 开拓者 pioneer; 开挖 excavate; working; 开外 over; above; more than; 开玩笑 crack a joke; joke; make fun of; play a trick; tease; jest; in joke; 开往 leave for; be bound for; 开胃 whet the appetite; stimulate one's appetite; appetizing; 开文件 {计} open file; 开销 pay expenses; expense; expenditures; an account of expenses; {计} overhead; 开小差 sneak off; desert; desert one's post; skulk [slink] away; decamp; AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave); be absent- minded; 开心 feel happy; rejoice; joyful; be delighted; have a grand time; amuse oneself at sb.'s expense; make fun of sb.; play a joke on sb.; 开心见诚 talk from the heart; with nothing concealed; 开心丸儿 [口] words of comfort; 开型 open form; 开行 start a car, train, etc.; 开学 school opens; term begins; 开颜 smile; beam; 开颜畅饮 smile and drink heartily (with the guests); 开眼 open one's eyes; add to one's experience; broaden one's mind; broaden one's view; open one's mental horizon; see new things; widen one's horizons; widen one's view; 开眼界 widen one's vision; widen one's horizon; 开演 (of play, film) begin; start; 开洋荤 taste foreign food; experience sth. exotic; have new experience; 开业 start business; open for business; go into operation; open a private practice; 开夜车 work late into the night; burn the midnight oil; put in extra time at night; stay [sit] up all night working; work at night; 开音节 {语} open syllable; 开映 (of a film show) begin; 开元音 {语} open vowel; broad vowel; 开源节流 broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure; broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditures; earn more income and cut down expense; increase income and decrease expenditure; increase revenues and reduce expenditure; limit expenditures and increase receipts by finding new business; open up the source and regulate the flow; tap new resources and economize on expenditure; 开云见日 The clouds dispersed and the sun appeared. — see justice again; from dark to light; from obscurity to clarity; The clouds lifted and the sun came out.; 开凿 dig; cut; cutting; 开闸 cut-off; switching off; 开斋 resume a meat diet; break the fast; discontinue vegetarian diet; come to the end of Ramadan; 开展 develop; launch; unfold; promote; carry out; open-minded; politically progressive; 开战 make war; open hostilities; battle; 开绽 come unsewn; 开张 open a business; begin doing business the first transaction of a day's business; wide and magnificent; 开张大吉 auspicious beginning of a new enterprise; Let great prosperity attend the opening of a shop.; 开帐 make out a bill; pay the bill; 开仗 make war; open hostilities; 开折 unfolding; 开诊 begin to treat patients; 开征 begin to collect (taxes); 开证 establishment of L/C; 开支 pay (expenses); spend; expenses; expenditure; spending; [方] pay wages; pay salaries; get the pay; 开支票 {数} write a check; 开宗明义 make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning; come straight to the point; goal [theme] from the beginning; make clear at the outset; purpose [goal; theme] stated in the opening chapter [sentences]; state one's central ideas at the outset in writing; state the purpose from the very beginning; 开足马力 go full steam ahead; in full speed; open the throttle; put into high gear; run-up; switch to top gear; step on gas; flat-out; 开钻 {油工} collaring; spud-in; kicking
开(開)kɑi❶ (用在动词后, 表示分开或离开): 把书架搬 ~。 Please take the bookshelf away. 躲 ~! Get out of the way! 把门推 ~。Push the door open. 他张 ~ 双臂, 似乎要拥抱整个世界。He spread his arms out as if to hold the whole world. ❷ (用在动词后, 表示容得下): 屋子里能摆 ~ 两张床。 The room is big enough to hold two beds. 另见 see also kāi。 |