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单词 建筑

建筑jiàn zhùArchitecture

办公大楼 [bàn ɡōnɡ dà lóu] office building
保温材料 [bǎo wēn cái liào] insulating material
壁柱 [bì zhù] pilaster
玻璃砖 [bō li zhuān] glass brick
不透明玻璃 [bú tòu mínɡ bō lí] opaque glass
槽沟 [cáo ɡōu] gutter
城市规划 [chénɡ shì ɡuī huà] city planning
承压力 [chénɡ yā lì] bearing pressure
椽 [chuán] rafter
传达室 [chuán dá shì] lodge
磁砖 [cí zhuān] ceramic tile
大理石 [dà lǐ shí] marble
大屋顶 [dà wū dǐnɡ] overhanging roof
弹簧门 [tán huánɡ mén] swing door
道钉 [dào dīnɡ] dog-nail; dog spike
地基 [dì jī] foundation
地下室 [dì xià shì] cellar; basement
电动葫芦 [diàn dònɡ hú lu] electric block; hoist
电工 [diàn ɡōnɡ] electrician
吊车 [diào chē] crane
吊顶 [diào dǐnɡ] ceiling
顶楼 [dǐnɡ lóu] attic
顶棚 [dǐnɡ pénɡ] ceiling
斗拱 [dǒu ɡǒnɡ] dou gong; bracket
多层大楼 [duō cénɡ dà lóu] multi-storeyed/storied building
多孔砖 [duō kǒnɡ zhuān] perforated brick
帆布 [fān bù] canvas
矾土水泥 [fán tǔ shuǐ ní] alumina cement
方格砖 [fānɡ ɡé zhuān] checker brick
房屋密度 [fánɡ wū mì dù] building density
防腐材料 [fánɡ fǔ cái liào] anti-rot material
防腐木材 [fánɡ fǔ mù cái] treated timber
飞屋檐 [fēi wū yán] upturned eaves
分段连续砌砖法 [fēn duàn lián xù qì zhuān fǎ] sectionalized continuous brick-laying method
粉刷 [fěn shuā] whitewashing
浮吊 [fú diào] floating crane
斧 [fǔ] axe
甘蔗板 [ɡān zhe bǎn] cane fibre board
钢筋混凝土 [ɡānɡ jīn hùn nínɡ tǔ] reinforced concrete
钢筋混凝土框架 [ɡānɡ jīn hùn nínɡ tǔ kuànɡ jià] reinforced concrete frame
钢筋流水作业法 [ɡānɡ jīn liú shuǐ zuò yè fǎ] streamlined method for fitting steel bars
钢屋架结构 [ɡānɡ wū jià jié ɡòu] steel roof truss structure
高标号水泥 [ɡāo biāo hào shuǐ ní] high-mark cement
隔热材料 [ɡé rè cái liào] insulating material
给水 [jǐ shuǐ] water supply
工程造价 [ɡōnɡ chénɡ zào jià] construction cost
工业建筑 [ɡōnɡ yè jiàn zhù] industrial architecture
公寓住宅 [ɡōnɡ yù zhù zhái] flats; apartment house
拱门 [ɡǒnɡ mén] arch
拱形房顶 [ɡǒnɡ xínɡ fánɡ dǐnɡ] arched roof
管道工 [ɡuǎn dào ɡōnɡ] plumber
光线 [ɡuānɡ xiàn] lighting
过道 [ɡuò dào] corridor
花岗石 [huā ɡǎnɡ shí] granite
花砖地面 [huā zhuān dì miàn] filed floor
滑升模板施工 [huá shēnɡ mú bǎn shī ɡōnɡ] slip-form construction technique
灰斗 [huī dǒu] hod
灰浆 [huī jiānɡ] mortar
灰浆槽 [huī jiānɡ cáo] mortar-trough
灰泥 [huī ní] plaster
混凝土浇注机 [hùn nínɡ tǔ jiāo zhù jī] concrete pouring machine
混凝土搅拌机 [hùn nínɡ tǔ jiǎo bàn jī] concrete mixer
尖塔 [jiān tǎ] spire
建筑标准 [jiàn zhù biāo zhǔn] standards of construction
建筑材料 [jiàn zhù cái liào] building materials
建筑工地 [jiàn zhù ɡōnɡ dì] building site
建筑工具 [jiàn zhù ɡōnɡ jù] construction apparatus
建筑计划 [jiàn zhù jì huà] construction project
建筑力学 [jiàn zhù lì xué] architectural mechanics
建筑面积 [jiàn zhù miàn jī] building area
建筑设计 [jiàn zhù shè jì] architectural design
建筑声学 [jiàn zhù shēnɡ xué] architectural acoustics
建筑师 [jiàn zhù shī] architect
建筑形式 [jiàn zhù xínɡ shì] architectural style
建筑学 [jiàn zhù xué] architecture
建筑业 [jiàn zhù yè] building industry
胶合板厂 [jiāo hé bǎn chǎnɡ] plywood factory
脚手架 [jiǎo shǒu jià] scaffolding
金属结构厂 [jīn shǔ jié ɡòu chǎnɡ] metal-structure works
空气调节 [kōnɡ qì tiáo jié] air conditioning
空心砖 [kōnɡ xīn zhuān] hollow brick
矿渣水泥 [kuànɡ zhā shuǐ ní] slag cement
蓝图 [lán tú] blueprint
冷气 [lěnɡ qì] air conditioning
连拱廊 [lián ɡǒnɡ lánɡ] arcade
琉璃瓦 [liú lí wǎ] glazed tile
楼面面积 [lóu miàn miàn jī] floor space
楼梯 [lóu tī] staircase; stairs
卵石 [luǎn shí] pebble
螺栓 [luó shuān] bolt
螺旋式小圆屋顶 [luó xuán shì xiǎo yuán wū dǐnɡ] spiral cupola
麻刀灰泥 [má dāo huī ní] hair-fibered plaster; hair mortar
镘刀 [màn dāo] mason’s float; trowel
毛玻璃 [máo bō lí] ground glass
门槛 [mén kǎn] threshold; door sill
门框 [mén kuànɡ] door frame
门廊 [mén lánɡ] porch
民用建筑 [mín yònɡ jiàn zhù] civil architecture
磨光玻璃 [mó ɡuānɡ bō li] polished glass
摩天楼 [mó tiān lóu] skyscraper
抹灰 [mǒ huī] plastering
抹子 [mǒ zi] mason’s float; trowel
木工 [mù ɡōnɡ] carpenter
木工流水作业法 [mù ɡōnɡ liú shuǐ zuò yè fǎ] carpentry assembly line method
木结构 [mù jié ɡòu] wood structure
木槌 [mù chuí] mallet
耐火砖 [nài huǒ zhuān] refractory brick; firebrick
泥工水准器 [ní ɡōnɡ shuǐ zhǔn qì] mason’s level
泥水工 [ní shuǐ ɡōnɡ] plasterer
泥瓦工 [ní wǎ ɡōnɡ] mason
暖气 [nuǎn qì] central-heating
排水系统 [pái shuǐ xì tǒnɡ] drainage system
膨胀砖 [pénɡ zhànɡ zhuān] expanded brick
平屋顶 [pínɡ wū dǐnɡ] flat roof
起钉钳 [qǐ dīnɡ qián] nail puller
起重机 [qǐ zhònɡ jī] hoist
气窗 [qì chuānɡ] transom; fanlight
汽车房 [qì chē fánɡ] garage
铅锤 [qiān chuí] plumb; plummet
铅锤线 [qiān chuí xiàn] plumb line
轻质混凝土结构 [qīnɡ zhì hùn nínɡ tǔ jié ɡòu] light-concrete structure
清漆 [qīnɡ qī] varnish
曲线屋顶 [qū xiàn wū dǐnɡ] curved roof
扇形屋顶 [shàn xínɡ wū dǐnɡ] ribbed roof
扇形穹顶 [shàn xínɡ qiónɡ dǐnɡ] fan vault
生石灰 [shēnɡ shí huī] caustic/quick lime
石工 [shí ɡōnɡ] mason
石灰池 [shí huī chí] lime pit/pan
石棉瓦厂 [shí mián wǎ chǎnɡ] asbestos tile works
熟石灰 [shú shí huī] slaked lime
水泵房 [shuǐ bènɡ fánɡ] water pumping house
水磨石 [shuǐ mó shí] terrazzo
水泥厂 [shuǐ ní chǎnɡ] cement works
水泥浆 [shuǐ ní jiānɡ] cement mortar
水泥浆喷枪 [shuǐ ní jiānɡ pēn qiānɡ] cement gun
水泥窑 [shuǐ ní yáo] cement kiln
水塔 [shuǐ tǎ] water tower
四坡屋顶 [sì pō wū dǐnɡ] hipped/hip roof
塔式门道 [tǎ shì mén dào] towered gateway
太平门 [tài pínɡ mén] emergency door
铁直角尺 [tiě zhí jiǎo chǐ] iron square
推土机 [tuī tǔ jī] bulldozer
托灰板 [tuō huī bǎn] hawk
挖土机 [wā tǔ jī] excavator
瓦 [wǎ] tile
瓦工 [wǎ ɡōnɡ] bricklayer
万能吊车 [wàn nénɡ diào chē] universal crane
卫生设备 [wèi shēnɡ shè bèi] sanitary-plumbing equipment
污水处理 [wū shuǐ chǔ lǐ] sewage disposal
屋顶 [wū dǐnɡ] roof
屋脊 [wū jí] ridge (of the roof)
屋面板 [wū miàn bǎn] roof plate
屋面石板瓦 [wū miàn shí bǎn wǎ] roofing slate
屋面油毡 [wū miàn yóu zhān] roofing felt
无梁殿 [wú liánɡ diàn] beamless hall
系梁 [xì liánɡ] tie beam
细木工 [xì mù ɡōnɡ] cabinet maker
细木锯 [xì mù jù] half-rip/hand/panel saw
纤维板 [xiān wéi bǎn] fibre board
现代建筑 [xiàn dài jiàn zhù] modern architecture
镶木地面 [xiānɡ mù dì miàn] parquet floor
小尖塔 [xiǎo jiān tǎ] spirelet
斜角规 [xié jiǎo ɡuī] bevel square
阳台 [yánɡ tái] balcony
油灰 [yóu huī] putty
油漆厂 [yóu qī chǎnɡ] paint factory
油毡 [yóu zhān] asphalt felt
釉瓷砖 [yòu cí zhuān] enamelled brick
雨水管 [yǔ shuǐ ɡuǎn] down pipe
预先装配安装法 [yù xiān zhuānɡ pèi ān zhuānɡ fǎ] pre-assembly method
预制构件 [yù zhì ɡòu jiàn] pre-fabricated/pre-fab members
圆钉 [yuán dīnɡ] wire nail
折尺 [zhé chǐ] folding rule
震动打桩机 [zhèn dònɡ dǎ zhuānɡ jī] vibrating pile driver
中国古代建筑 [zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ dài jiàn zhù] ancient Chinese architecture
主梁 [zhǔ liánɡ] main beam
柱 [zhù] column
柱廊 [zhù lánɡ] colonnade
住宅建筑 [zhù zhái jiàn zhù] domestic architecture
砖 [zhuān] brick
砖瓦厂 [zhuān wǎ chǎnɡ] brick works
转门 [zhuǎn mén] revolving door
装饰材料 [zhuānɡ shì cái liào] finishing material
走廊 [zǒu lánɡ] veranda; verandah




古代~ancient building;ancient architecture/宏伟~magnificent structure(or building)/上层~ superstructure/租地~合同building lease/住宅~互助会building society/~材料building materials/~工程architectural engineering/~工地construction site/~工人construction worker/~业building industry/~地皮building lot/~执照building permit/~证书building permit/~条例building code/~保证construction bond/~构配件prefabricated components /~面积total floor area /~设计architectural design /~物building;structure/~学art of architecture/~许可证building permit/《~法》Construction Law/~税construction tax





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