建jiànⅠ ❶ (建筑) build;construct;erect: ~ 电站 build a power station; 新 ~ 的工厂 newly-built factory; 重 ~ 家园 rebuild one's homeland; 大楼边上又扩 ~ 了一些教室。 Extra classrooms were built out from the main block. 这座碑是为纪念他而 ~ 的。 The monument was erected in his honour. ❷ (建立;设立;成立) establish;set up;found: ~ 校 found a school;~ 新功 make new contributions; 唐代 ~ 都长安。 The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital. ❸ (提出;首倡) propose;advocate: 我 ~ 个议。 I'd like to make a suggestion. Ⅱ ❶ (指福建) of Fujian Province: ~ 漆 Fujian lacquerware ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 公 Jian Gong ◆建材 manufacture of building materials; 建成 {军} activate; 建成投产 be completed and put into operation; 建党 found a party;Party building; 建都 found a capital;make (a place) the capital; 建港 port construction; 建国 found a state;establish a state;build up a country; 建交 establish diplomatic relations; 建军 found an army;army building; 建里 {穴位} Jianli (CV 11);建立 build;set up;establish;building-up;found;install; 建设 build;construct;reconstruction;development; 建设公债 construction bond; 建设基金 construction fund; 建设项目 construction project; 建树 [书] make a contribution;contribute;score an achievement;attainment; 建议 propose;suggest;advise;recommend; 建造 {地质} formation;construct;build;make;form; 建制 organizational system; 建筑 build;construct;erect;building;structure;edifice; 建筑节能技术 energy saving buildings technology; 建筑勘察设计院 architectural survey and designing institute;exploring and architectural design institute; 建筑美学 aesthetics in architecture; 建筑面积 built-up area; 建筑设计院 architectural design institute; 建筑物 building;edifice;structure;shelter;edification; 建筑学 architecture;architectonecs |