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单词 observation
observation/ ͵ɒbzə′veɪ ʃn, AmE ͵ɑ:bzər′-/ n

(1)注意,观察(测),监视(act of noticing or watching;state of being noticed or watched)[UC]:an~balloon/car/post/tower;观测气球/观览车/观测哨(所)/瞭望台;This telescope is used for the~of distant stars.这个望远镜是用来观察遥远的星星的。Upon general~,the physical landscape of Western Europe appears to be simple.据粗略的观察,西欧的自然景观似乎很单一。〖同〗inspection,detection,examination,attention;

(2)观察力(ability to pay attention and notice)[U]:a man of keen/little~观察力敏锐/极差的人;His powers of~were highly developed.他的观察力大有提高。A detective's~should be very good.侦探的观察力应该很强。

(3)评论;意见(comment or remark)[C]:He made an~about the weather.他说了对天气的看法。The speaker had some witty~s to make about modern politics.讲演者对当今政治有许多精辟的论断要说。〖同〗 comment,opinion,judgment;

(4)观察(测)资料(报告)(that which is noticed or learned)[pl](fml):The doctor examined the patient and wrote down his~s.医生检查病人并记下观察到的情况。The student of bird life kept a record of his~s.研究鸟类的学生将观察所得记录下来。Has he published his~s on bird life in Antarctic yet? 他是否已经发表了他对南极地带鸟类生活的考察报告?

be under observation 被严密监视,被仔细观察:Diana was admitted to the hospital where she would be under close~.黛安娜被接纳住院,以便对她进行仔细观察。

keep sb under observation 严密监视,仔细观察:The police kept a suspect under~.警方严密监视一名犯罪嫌疑人。

←ob′serve v





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