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单词 attain
释义 attain /a'tein; s'ten/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] succeed in doing or getting: 达到; 成就; 实现; 遂 (愿): ~ one's hopes/object/the end one has in view. 责现其希望 (达到其目的; 实现所抱的目标) 。 2 [VP3A] ~ to. reach, arrive at: 到达; 至; 得到: ~ to perfection/ power/prosperity; 到达完美 (权力,繁荣) 之境; ~ to man's estate, reach manhood. 到达成年。 ~able /-sdl; -sbl/ adj that can be ~ed: 可达到的; 可得到的: The goal is not yet ~able. 该目标, 目前尚无法达到。 ~ment> n 1 [U] act of ~ing: 达到; 得到: easy/difficult/impossible of ~ment, easy, etc to ~; 容有 (不易,不可能) 达到的; for the ~ment of (=in order to ~) his purpose. 为了达到他的目的。 2 [C] (usu pl) sth ~ed; skill or accomplishment in some branch of knowledge, etc: (通常用复数) 成就; 造诣: legal/linguistic ~ments; 法学 (语言学) 上的成就; a scholar of the highest ~ments. 造诣极高的学者。




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