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单词 oblige
oblige/ ə′blaɪdʒ/ v[-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)责成,逼(强)迫(cause to comply by physicallegalsocialor moral means)[C+n+to-inf通常pass]:The law~s parents to send their children to school.法律强制父母送子女上学。He was~d to sell his car when he lost his job.他丢了工作后被迫卖掉了汽车。I feel~d to say I don't believe him.我觉得必须说我不信任他。Your recalcitrance~s firmness on my part.你这种桀骜不驯的样子迫使我对你严格要求。〖同〗obligate,impel,compel,force;〖反〗free,liberate,release;

(2)施惠,效劳(do sth for(sb)as a favour)[IT+nT+n+prep(with/by)] (fml): We are happy to~.我们愿意效劳。They were~d to him for his help.他们感谢他的帮助。He is always seeking to~his friends.他总是寻求给朋友帮点小忙。The singer~d the fans with another song.歌手为歌迷又特意唱了一支歌。Will any gentleman~the lady with a seat? 哪位先生给这位妇女让个座? Please~me with your presence/an interview.务请光临/屈驾会见我。Could you~me by closing the window? 您劳驾替我把窗户关上好吗? Please~me by returning to the house,and going to bed.请你听我的话,快回家睡觉吧。〖同〗favour,support,serve;〖反〗disoblige,inconvenience;

→′diso′blige v 不通融;不买账;o′bliging adj 愿意助人的;o′bligingly adv乐于助人地; o′bliged adj 感激的





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