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(不再使用;不再继续) abandon;abolish;abrogate;discard;give up:半途而 ~ stop midway;give up halfway;~ 帝 depose an emperor;~ 业 abandon one's profession;
不以人 ~ 言 not reject an opinion because of the speaker;
国家兴 ~ rise and fall of a nation Ⅱ ❶ (没用的;失去原来作用的) useless;invalid;disused;waste:作 ~ declare invalid;~ 话 superfluous words;nonsense;rubbish;
百 ~ 待举。 A thousand things remain to be undertaken.
❷ (残废) disabled;maimed;crippled:~ 疾 cripplehood;disability
◆废材 mill waste;refuse wood;wood chip;slash;wood slashings; 废弛 (of a law,custom,etc.) cease to be binding;(of discipline,etc.) become lax;
废除 abolish;abrogate;annul;annihilate;repeal;
废除领导职务终身制 abolish the system of life-long tenure in leading post;
废黜 dethrone;depose;discrown;
废而不用 come [fall;pass] into disuse;fall [sink] into oblivion;stop using;
废钢 {冶} steel scrap;
废巷道 abandoned workings;
废话 superfluous words;nonsense;rubbish;
废话连篇 talk downright nonsense;a link of irrelevant talks;empty phrases;pages of nonsense;reams of rubbish;talk rubbish;verbose and rambling;
废金属 old metal;metal scrap;
废旧货市场 junk market;
废旧物资 waste and old material;
废矿 rough;
废蜡 slop wax;
废料 waste;wastage;rubbish;garbage;waste material;rough;abatement;trash;rubble;mullock;scrap;
废料利用车间 salvage department;salvaging department;
废零件 odd parts;
废马 knacker;
废木料 scoot;
废票 invalidated ticket;invalidated ballot;spoilt vote;
废品 waste product;reject;scrap;waste;fag end;spoilage;cobble;condemned stores;discard;discarded product;foozle;off-heat;off-melt;rejected material;spoil;throw-away;throw-outs;wastrel;defective;
废气 exhaust gas;discharge gas;waste gas [steam];flue gas;tail gas;off gas;vapours;exhaust steam;
废气管 flue gas leading;
废气净化 purification of exhaust gas;
废弃 discard;abandon;cast aside;scrap;
废弃不用 pass into disuse;be discarded;be thrown out of use;stop using — to be cast aside;
废汽 spent steam;
废铅 scrap lead;
废寝忘食 lose sleep and forget to eat from anxiety,etc.;disregard meal times and go without sleep;do sth. almost to the gross neglect of one's health,losing sleep and weight;forget all about eating and sleeping;forget food and rest;forget one's sleep and meals;neglect one's sleep and meals;(He) skipped meals and sleep (when he was busy).;too busy to eat or sleep;work day and night,almost without eating or sleeping;work hard to the neglect of one's meals and sleep;
废然而返 He returned to his native place much disappointed.;come back dispirited and disappointed;
废燃料 spent fuel;waste fuel;
废热 waste heat;
废人 disabled person;good-for-nothing;
废石 barren rock;
废石场 waste-rock yard;
废石堆 hillock;burrow;spoilbank;
废水 waste water;liquid waste;effluent;outlet water;tail water;slops;
废水处理 waste water treatment;
废塑料 waste plastics;
废铁 scrap iron;
废铜 copper scrap;scrap copper;waste copper;
废铜烂铁 metal scraps;iron and bronze scrap;scrap iron and bronze;
废土 roach;
废文件 scratch file;
废物 waste material;trash;recrement;rubbish;scrappage;waste matter;waste product;waste substance;waster;waste;wastage;refuse;garbage;raffle;gook;dust;offscouring;offal;sordes;scruff;spent residue;
废物利用 salvage;make good use of waste materials;productive use of cast-off things;the utilization of waste products;utilize waste materials [things];废屑 sweeps;attle;
废墟 ruins;remainder;wasteland;wastage;debris;
废页 maculature;
废液 devil liquor;discard solution;discharge liquid;effluent liquor;exhausted liquid;spent liquor;used liquid;waste fluid;waste liquid;waste liquor;waste solution;
废油 waste oil;slop;slop oil;refuse oil;scavenge oil;
废约背盟 annul the treaty and go back on an oath;
废渣 offscum;discard;feigh;slag muck;dross;scruff;waste residue;
废长立幼 pass over the elder in favour of the younger;
废枕木 cull-tie;
废址 abandoned site;
废止 abolish;annul;put an end to;
废纸 broke;waste paper;
废置 put aside as useless





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