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(用在定语后,表示定语和中心词之间是领属关系,现在多写作“的”):我 ~ 书 my book;
无产阶级 ~ 党 a party of the proletariat
另见 see also dǐ。

Ⅰ ❶ (物体的最下部分) bottom;base:谷 ~ valley bottom;
桶 ~ the bottom of a bucket
❷ (事情的根源或内情) the heart of a matter;ins and outs:交 ~ give someone the bottomline;
刨根问 ~ get to the bottom of sth.;get to the root of things;
这下就露了 ~ 儿了。 And so the whole thing came out.
❸ (草稿) rough draft
❹ (可做根据的) a copy kept as a record:留个 ~ 儿 keep a copy on file;duplicate and file (a letter,etc.)
❺ (年和月的末尾) end:月 ~ the end of a month
❻ (花纹图案的衬托面) ground;background;foundation:黑 ~ 白点的布 cloth with white spots on a black background
❼ (姓氏) a surname:~ 达 Di Da Ⅱ [书] (达到) end up with;come to:终 ~ 于成 succeed in the end Ⅲ [书] ❶ (何;什么) what:~ 处 what place;where
❷ (此;这) this
❸ (如此;这样) so;such;like this
另见 see also de。
◆底板 baseboard;baseplate;footwall;{采矿} floor;chassis base;flask board;header;{工} soleplate; solepiece; turning over board; {机} shoe;{电子} sole;{冶} bottom board;back plane;backboard;backing sheet;bay;bed plate;bottom plating;housing shoe;ledger;main base;mat;negative matrix;panel;seating;subplate;support plate;underplate;
底版 {摄} nega ̄ tive;photographic plate;master;
底本 (底稿) a copy for the record or for reproduction;master copy;(校勘时作为依据的本子) a text against which other texts are checked;
底边 {数} (平面几何图形的底边) base;(书页下边空白) bottom margin;
底部 bottom;bottom side;foot (pl. feet);root;[拉] {解} fundus;
底层 (一楼) [英] ground floor;[美] first floor;(地下室) basement;(社会最低阶层) bottom;the lowest rung;
底衬 end liner;soffit lining;bottom bush;bottom liner;bottom lining;{刷} under blanket;
底肥[粪] {农} base fertilizer [manure];底封 underseal;
底稿 draft;manuscript;
底工 basic skill;basic training;
底火 (炉中原有的火) the fire in a stove before fuel is added;{军} (子弹底部发火装置) primer;ignition cartridge;
底价 minimum price;base price;floor price;
底架 {机} chassis;undercarriage;underbed;underframe;
底角 base angle;basic angle;
底襟 the smaller or inner piece on the right side of a Chinese garment which buttons on the right;
底孔 bottom hole;{水} bottom outlet;
底里 ins and outs;exact details;
底面 {建} soffit;{晶} basal plane;{建} planceer;plancier;floor;soleplate;
底牌 cards in one's hand;bottomline;hand;
底盘 chassis;underframe;lying wall;floor;underpan;
底片 negative;photographic plate;negative plate;backing film;negative film;original;
底栖动物 zoobenthos;
底漆 undercoat;priming paint [coat];primer;first coat;paint base;
底色 {图} underpainting;{纺} bottom [flush] colour;flushed colour;
底墒 {农} soil moisture (before sowing or planting);
底视图 bottom view;backplan;
底数 (事情的原委) the truth or root of a matter;how a matter actually stands;{数} base number;radix;base底图 {地理} base map;mother map;underpainting;inked drawing;based drawing;blank map;
底细 ins and outs;exact details;unapparent details;unknown background;
底下 under;below;beneath;
底线 {纺} bobbin thread;dosed shed;footline;{数} base line;
底薪 base pay;basic salary;
底蕴 [书] inside information;details;reality beneath the surface;inner secret;
底止 [书] end;limit;
底子 (物体的最下部分) bottom;base;(底细) details;ins and outs;(基础) foundation;(可做根据的草稿) rough draft or sketch;(留底) a copy kept as a record;(剩下的最后部分) remnant;[方] (花纹图案的衬托面) setting;background;
底座 lampstand;foundation;pedestal;bed;keel block;stock;base;{钟} potence;{建} sole piece;bottom case;carriage;footing;frame;plinth

坦率地说,什么叫“~”? To be frank,what is the “bottomline”? /我们相互关系中的一个主要问题是不摸~,其实我们的~总是很好摸的。A major problem in our relations is the uncertainty about each other’s positions.Actually,our position is easy to ascertain./这样做对朋友不是负责到~。To do that would not be a fully responsible attitude towards friends./交~ give someone the bottomline





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