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单词 应运而生

应运而生应运而起yìng yùn ér shēng

arise at the historic moment; be born at a propitious time;emerge as the times require (/demand); rise in response to proper time and conditions
❍ 若大仁者则~,大恶者则应劫而生,运生世治,劫生世危。(《红楼梦》20) Instances of exceptional goodness and exceptional badness are produced by the operation of beneficent or noxious ethereal influences,of which the former are symptomatized by the equilibrium of society and the latter by its disequilibrium./……和这位小丁宝,才都这么才貌双全,文武带打,我们是~,活在这个时代,真是如鱼得水! (老舍《茶馆》52) Ah,yes,and Little Ding Bao have been sent into the world. Look at us,endowed with wit and beauty,accomplished in letters and prowess——just right for the times! And,boy,aren’t we going to enjoy it!


emerge as the times require;arise at a historic moment;arise at the right moment
一大批非洲独立国家~。A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment.

应运而生yìnɡ yùn ér shēnɡ

原意是指顺应时势天命产生的。现多指顺应客观形势,适应时代需求而产生或出现。emerge as the times require, arise at the historic moment, born in response to the needs of the times





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