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单词 应接不暇

应接不暇yìng jiē bù xiá

be overwhelmed by visitors (/customers/problems); can hardly keep up with; have more visitors (/business) than one can attend to; too busy (/many) to attend to
❍ 到后来越弄越多,大有~之势。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》335) Later,the number mounted rapidly,and the situation became almost unmanageable.
❍ 问题似近不通地从孩子们天真的嘴里喊出来,道静~地回答他们。(杨沫《青春之歌》54) Daojing could hardly keep up with their artless,puzzled questions.
❍ 从山阴道上行,山川自相映发,使人~。(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》)Whenever I travel by the Shanyin road,the hills and streams naturally complement each other in such a way that Ican’t begin to describe them.


have more visitors or business than one can attend to;have not a moment’s leisure in handling one’s work
顾客很多,售货员~。There were so many customers that the shop assistances couldn’t attend to them all.

应接不暇yìnɡ jiē bù xiá

暇:空闲。原指沿路的景色美丽繁多,来不及欣赏;现也形容事情繁多,来不及应付。have more visitors or business than one can attend to, too busy to attend to all, too numerous to take in





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