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单词 应付自如

应付自如应付裕如yìng fù zì rú

be equal to the occasion (/emergency); cope with sth success fully and easily; face (/handle)the situation with ease; deal with difficult situations easily;be master of the situation
❍ 各地方县、区、村领导者及工作团,是否都很健全,又处在战争中,对于这件事可能发生的副作用,能否应付裕如,这是四。(《周恩来选集》上—300)Fourth,it is not clear whether all the leading cadres and work teams in the counties,districts and villages are competent,and whether,with the war going on,they can deal properly with the harmful side effects of the suspensions.
❍ 外国的企业家果然有高掌远的气魄和铁一样的手腕,却也有忠实而能干的部下,这样才能~,所向必利。(茅盾《子夜》148) Foreign businessmen,he mused,were naturally more far-sighted and they knew how to manage things with a rod of iron,but then they had loyal and competent staff. It was this last that lay behind their ability to deal with difficult situations easily and make a success of everything they did.

应付自如yìnɡ fù zì rú

义同“应付裕如”。same as“应付裕如”。





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