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单词 nut
nut/nʌt/ n

(1)坚果(仁) (a fruit consisting of a single seed in a hard shell)[常用于复合词][C]:hazel~/wal~/chest~/ground~/pea~榛子/核桃/栗子/花生/花生;Brazil~s 巴西果;buy~s and raisins 买些果仁和葡萄干;〖同〗kernel,seed,stone,pit;

(2)螺母(帽) (a small round piece of metal with a hole through it for screwing on the end of a bolt to hold pieces of woodmetaletc together)[C]:He fixed the handle to the door with a~and bolt.他用螺母和螺栓将把手安在门上。

(3)(人的)脑袋(head)(sl)[C]:There was something wrong in his~. 他脑子有点不正常。That apple hit him on the~. 那个苹果砸在他的头上。

(4)小煤块(small lumps of coal)[pl];


(6)傻(疯)子;怪人(sl,derog nutter)(slightly foolishmad or eccentric person)[C]:She's a~— she wears the strangest clothes. 她是个疯子,总是身着最怪诞的服装。 If a guy always holds a book upside down to read it,he's considered some kind of a~. 要是有谁老是把书倒拿着看,他准被认为是个怪人。That~should be locked up. 这种神经病人应该关起来。〖同〗eccentric,madman,idiot;

(7)对……感兴趣的人,……迷(person very interested in sth;fan)[C](前面为一名词):a football/camera/food/word/movie~足球/摄影/美食/词/电影迷;He's a~about model airplanes.他是个航模迷。〖同〗enthusiast,fanatic,zealot,fan;

do one's nut (Brit sl) 生气,气恼:The old man did his~over his daughter. 这老头对女儿大发雷霆。

for nuts/peanuts(Brit sl derog) 一点也(不);怎么也(不)[用于否定式]:He can't cook for~s.他压根就不会做饭。

a hard/tough nut(to crack)(infml) 1)难题,难处理的情况:This question is a hard~to crack.这是一个难题。2)难对付(劝说、影响)的人:Don't annoy him,he's a real tough~. 别惹他,这个人实在不好对付。

the nuts and bolts(infml) 基本细节:We should learn the~s and bolts of our profession. 我们应该学会我们这一行的基本知识。

off one's nut (sl) 精神不正常;发疯:He's simply gone off his~. 他简直发疯了。





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