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单词 now
now/naʊ/ adv & conj

adv (1)现在,此刻,目前(at this moment;at the present time):I am living in England~. 我现在住在英国。I thought so once,but~I know better. 过去我也这样想过,可是现在我明白多了。N~it is clearing up. 天现在放晴了。N~it would be a good time to go to France. 现在是去法国的好时候。It's~25 years since I came here. 我来这里至今已经25年了。N~she began asking questions. 这时她开始发问。

(2)立刻;马上(at onceimmediately):I can't do it~— you'll have to wait. 我这会儿干不了,你得等等。Do come here~. 马上就到这儿来。I must go~or it will be too late. 我这就得走,不然就太晚了。

(3)如今;现时(the present time or moment)[用于介词后] :The boy must be forty by~. 那孩子如今该有40岁了。The good-bye had lasted until~. 从那次分别直到如今才相见。But he was safe for~. 但他现在是安全的。Have you heard of that before~? 你在这之前听说过吗?

(4)[不表示时间,而表示说话人的语气,包括说明、命令、请求、警告、安慰等]:N~it's no good doing that.得了,那样做是没有用的。N~listen to me. 且听我说。No nonsense~. 别胡说啦。N~what we have to do next is to write to the professor. 好了,下一步我们得给教授写信了。

now and again/then 时而;不时:He still visits me~and then. 他仍不时地来看我。nownow (now then) 好(行)了;[表示告诫或引起注意等]:N~,~,stop crying. 得了,得了,别哭了。N~then,don't worry about it. 行了,别担心啦。时而……时而…… :N~it's hot then its cold—no one knows what to wear.天气忽冷忽热的,谁也不知穿什么衣服好。

now then 1)(用以引导一个建议或话题):N~then,how about going fishing? 我说,钓鱼去怎么样? 2)(考虑下一步该做什么或该说什么时用以表示停顿):I must say I liked that,~then,what's next? 我必须说我很喜欢那个,那么,下一个是什么呢?

now for sb/sth现在到了……;现在是……(用以表示开始(转向)一个新的任务或议题):The matter is settled. N~for the next question. 这件事解决了,现在来研究下一个问题。

conj既然;由于(because or since something has happenedetc)[常与that连用]:N~that you are here,I can leave. 既然你在这儿,我可以走了。 N~you have left university,you will have to find a job. 既然你已经离开了大学,你得找个工作干。





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