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单词 notice
notice/′nə ʊtɪs, AmE ′noʊ-/ nv [-d,-d/t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)通(布)告 (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly)[C]:post a~on the bulletin board 在布告栏上贴一则通知;put a~in the paper在报上登一则通告;Did you see the~about the change in the arrangements? 你看到安排变更的通知了吗? There is a~of forthcoming concerts on the board. 布告栏里有一则关于即将上演的音乐会的通知。〖同〗information,poster;

(2) 1)(预先)通知;警告(warning about something that will happen or has happenedetc)[U]:The factory is closed until further~. 工厂现在关闭,开工另行通知。Can you be ready at short~? 你们能在接到通知后很快准备好吗? Her employer gave her a month's~. 她的雇主通知她让她一个月后离职。I must have~when you want me to do the work. 如果你要我做这件事,你必须先通知我。He was dismissed without~. 他没有事先接到通知就被解雇了。2)辞职报告(formal letter of resignation):I don't intend to hand in my~until I've found another job.在我找到另一份工作之前我不打算上交辞职报告。The cook gave in her~. 那个女厨师递交了辞呈。〖同〗warning,advertisement;

(3)短评;介绍(review or critique)[C]:book~ 书评;the play under~正在评论中的戏剧;The new book got a favourable~. 这本新书受到称赞。

be beneath one's notice(fml) 被认为不屑一顾:Their insults should be beneath your~. 他们对你的侮辱不值得你去理睬。

come to sb's notice(fml) 引起……的注意:It has come to our~from various unofficial sources.我们已从各种非官方渠道注意到了此事。

take no notice/not take any notice (of sb/sth) 不注意,不理会:Take no~of what they are saying about you. 别去理睬他们对你的议论。

v (1)看到,注意(到)(see or observe sth)[IT+nT+thatT+whC+n+ingC+n+inf]:Did he say that? I didn't~. 他那样说了吗?我没注意。Did you~her engagement ring? 你注意到她戴着订婚戒指了吗? She~d the changes in her friend's personality. 她注意到了她的朋友个性上的变化。You'll~that they are all symmetrical. 你会发现它们全是对称的。 Did you~how fat she's getting? 你注意到她现在变得有多胖了吗? I didn't~who was there. 我没注意谁在那儿。Did you~anyone playing near the river? 你注意到有人在河边玩吗? She~d the man looking at her a couple of times. 她发觉那个男子朝她看了好几次。 He~d her leave the room. 他看见她离开了房间。They~d him enter the office. 他们看到他进了办公室。〖同〗see,observe,eye;〖反〗ignor,overlook,neglect;

(2)对……给予注意(pay attention to (sb))[T+npass]:His essays were~d. 他的文章很引人注目。The young actor is trying desperately to be~d by the public. 这位年轻演员竭力要引起公众的注意。He was too proud to be~d. 他太骄傲,没人答理他。

→′notify v 通知,报知;

【辨异】notice perceive都有觉察到、注意到的含意。perceive是较正式的用词,有理解和领悟的意味,如:After examining the evidence he perceived its significance.(仔细审查了物证之后,他才领悟到其重要性。)而notice 通常指看到了一些引人注目的人或物,如:to~a newspaper headline(注意到报纸的大字标题)。





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