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单词 年深日久

年深日久年深月久;年深岁久nián shēn rì jiǔ

after a long lapse of time; age-old; as the years go by;over the years; time-worn; with the passage of time
❍ 年深月久之后,语文更加一致,和“炼话”一样好,比 “古典”还要活的东西,也渐渐的形成,文学就更加精彩了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—91) As the years go by the language will become more unified and develop by degrees into something as concise as local idiom and more lively than classical allusions,while literature will benifit too.
❍ ~,冲积成厚厚的土层。(曲波《林海雪原》528) Over the years,the torrents had formed a thick layer of silt.
❍ 只怕~,字迹模糊,反有舛错,……(《红楼梦》1545) If too many years pass and the inscription is blurred,it may be misconstrued.
❍ 他胡须花白,手指上留着长指甲,身上穿件破旧的青缎子袍子,外套一件藏青哔叽马褂子,因~,颜色变红,襟边袖口,都磨破了。(周立波《山乡巨变》99) His beard was grey and he had long finger nails. He was wearing an old and worn black satin gown on top of which was a blue serge jacket; this had turned red with age and the lapels and cuffs were frayed.

年深日久nián shēn rì jiǔ

比喻时间很长久了。as the years go by, with the passage of time, after a long period of time





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