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单词 note
note1/nə ʊt, AmE noʊt/ n

(1)笔记;记录(brief record of what is heardseenor readwritten down to aid the memory)[C]:take/make/write/compare/talk from (without)~s 记笔记/做笔记/写笔记/交换意见/根据(不用)稿子发言;lecture/medical/careful/stray~s 讲课笔记/病历/详细的笔记/随笔;the~of a journey游记

(2)短笺,便条(short informal letter or message)[C]:leave a~behind 留下一张便条;pen a~to one's friend 给朋友写一张便条;a~of thanks 一封简短的感谢信;Write me a~when you've fixed the date. 定下日子后给我写封短信。

(3)(外交上的)照会(diplomatic paper)[C]:send (present) a~of protest to a country 向一国发出抗议照会;Negotiations were conducted by an exchange of~s. 通过互换照会进行协商。The~demanded an immediate halt of such activities. 照会要求立即停止这类活动。

(4)按语,评注,注释(explanation or comment on a passage in a text or a book etc)[C]:a book with explanatory~s 一本有注释的书;a new edition of Hamlet with~s at the back 书后有注解的新版《哈姆雷特》;N~s on the text are given below. 课文注释见下。My copy of King Lear is full of~s written by my brother when he was studying it. 我的那本《李尔王》上全都是评注,那是我兄弟研究它时写的。

(5)钞票 (amount of money in paper form) (also banknote,AmE通常bill)[C]:four five-pound~s 四张五英镑的钞票;Can you change a $100~? 你能不能把一张100美元的票子换成零钱? He deposited the sum in~s and coins. 他把这笔有纸币也有硬币的钱都存了起来。〖同〗bill,money,currency;

(6)乐音(musical sound)[C]:She can't sing a~. 她一个音都不会唱。 I'll never reach that high~. 我永远也唱不到那么高的音。The song ended on a high~. 歌曲在高音处结束。Sing this~for me. 唱这个音给我听。

(7)音符(a written or printed symbol represent-ing a musical note)[C]:a whole/half/quarter~全/½/¼音符;Get down those~s quickly. 快把这些音符记下来。

(8)琴键(a key of a piano or other instrument)[C]:the black~s and the white~s of a piano 钢琴上的黑键和白键;

(9)(鸟或其他动物的)叫声(the characteristic call or cry of a bird or other animals)[C]:a mellow~of the cuckoo 杜鹃悦耳的啼声;the blackbird's merry~ 画眉轻快的鸣叫;I heard the clear~of a cardinal. 我听到了红衣凤头鸟清脆的叫声。

(10)口气,调子,特征(a sign or hint that reveals a certain quality)[Csing][N(of)]:There was a~of hysteria/fear/desperation in her voice. 她声音中透着歇斯底里/恐惧/绝望。The conference ended on a~of hope and confidence. 会议在希望和信任的气氛中结束。

(11)注意(notice;observation)[U]: worthy of~值得注意;He peered out of the window and took~of the weather. 他向窗外张望,观察天气。Then they were astonished to find that they had been taking no~of time,and that night was about at hand. 那时他们吃惊地发觉大家都没注意时间,天已快黑了。〖同〗regard,notice;〖反〗indifference;

of note 著名的;重要的:a musician/family~有名的音乐家/有名望的家族;

strike/sound a note (of sth) 表达某种感情(观点):The report struck an occasional frivolous~.这个报告间或带有轻佻的口吻。





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