释义 |
平平淡淡píng píng dàn dàndreary and monoto nous;dull and pedestrian ❍ 毕业期是近在眼前了,倘若父亲再教他去投考电报生,他只有拿着毛笔钢笔就走,更没别的话说。于是,搭,搭,搭,~的一生…… (叶圣陶《倪焕之》22) His last day at school was rapidly approaching,and if his father still insisted on his sitting the telegraphists’examination,he would have no alternative but to pick up his pen and pencil and go without a murmur. And then,a dreary,monotonous life of“tap tap,tap”.…/但是只有这一回;此外的就~,不感很深的兴趣。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》192) But that had been the only time;the others had been dull and pedestrian and had hardly aroused his interest at all. 平平淡淡pínɡ pínɡ dàn dàn平平常常,普普通通。insipid, tasteless, flat |