cadre;official;public functionary (or servant);government employee;Party employee
政治路线确定之后,~就是决定的因素。Cadres are a decisive factor,once the political line is determined./善于识别~、使用~和爱护~ know how to judge,use and take good care of cadres/老~ veteran cadre/领导~leading cadres/~老化aging of cadres/~路线guideline on cadres; basic principles and methods for selecting cadres/~特殊化privilege-seeking by cadres/~调整交流reassignment and exchange of personnel /~学校school for cadres;cadre school/~政策policy on cadres;cadre policy/~选拔制度system for selecting officials/~队伍contingent of cadres/~轮换制度rotation of cadres/~轮训retraining of cadres in rotation /~人事制度cadre and personnel system/~学校(干校)school for cadres;cadre school